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COOPeration of bioeconomy clusters for bio-based knowledge transfer via Innovative Dissemination techniques in the primary production sector

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - COOPID (COOPeration of bioeconomy clusters for bio-based knowledge transfer via Innovative Dissemination techniques in the primary production sector)

Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2021-12-31

COOPID proposes an innovative and effective strategy to inspire primary producers and stimulate the uptake of inclusive and sustainable bio-based business models in the European primary production sector, considering regional & sectorial particularities. Currently, bioeconomy starts on the fields, yet meaningful participation of the primary sector is currently challenged: this is an issue COOPID is meant to address.
To do so, COOPID envisions the development of an ad-hoc created network of “Bioeconomy Clusters” from 10 European countries, involving a wide range of stakeholders: primary producers - cooperatives or associations within agriculture, forestry & aquaculture-, industry, public sector, research & academia.
The 10 COOPID Bioeconomy Clusters (CBC) will develop a 4-level knowledge transfer strategy:
(1) Selection of success stories.
(2) Organisation of workshops and activities between selected cluster representatives (COOPID ambassadors).
(3) Interactive dissemination.
(4) Communication to broader audiences. These actions will foster connections among the primary sector in Europe. At the same time, its results will also be the base for a series of practical recommendations for primary producers, policymakers, industry, and academia.
Altogether, the project strategy will support the development of stronger bioeconomy business models within the European primary sector.

The COOPID project will address the main challenges the primary sector encounters when taking part in the “bioeconomy”, namely, poor cooperation and knowledge transfer between relevant stakeholders, and limited support to invest in R&D to establish new value chains.

In this context, the overall objective of the COOPID project is to mobilise EU primary producers to stimulate the wide uptake of inclusive and sustainable bio-based business models in the European primary production sector & increase its competitivity.
The COOPID activities will be implemented along a 24-month project course, which have been thought to hold three periods (six-month stage – consecutive twelve-month stage – consecutive six-month stage), being:
→ Preparatory stage – six months
The CBCs formed at the proposal stage will be rooted, formally starting the cooperation, and once such is done – the COOPID strategy will be officially adopted by all the CBC members. The project’s framework for the consecutive stage will be grounded and the activities & channels for the knowledge transfer set up.
→ Showcasing stage – twelve months
During this stage, the core knowledge transfer activities will take place that is, the Success Story Showcases, COOPID ambassador deployment and COOPID workshops for primary producers. Activities for the maximised project impact will be intensified through wider dissemination and communication of the project knowledge.
→ Conclusion stage – six months
During this stage, recommendations will be elaborated for primary producers, policy-makers and academia & research. Lessons learnt basing on the project experiences and post-project collaboration potential will be recognised.

The current implementation after the first twelve months of project is
→ Preparatory stage – 100% implemented
The preparatory stage was fully implemented. T
he COOPID Strategy was created and signed by all the project partners. Ten COOPID Bioeconomy clusters (CBCs) were launched to support the project implementation in each project country.
The criteria for the selection of showcases and ambassadors were reviewed and accepted.
Ten Success Stories to Showcase were selected in ten EU countries.
The knowledge transfer plan was created and started to be implemented by the creation of the project website and interactive platform.

→ Showcasing stage – 30% implemented
Three success stories (Oleícola el Tejar in Spain, Carbery Group in Ireland and Mollerup Brands in Denmark) were showcased for a total of 52 ambassadors (40 of them primary producers). The visits were carried out virtually because of the traveling restrictions set due to COVID19.
Six workshops were organised by some project partners, with the support of the corresponding ambassadors, for the dissemination of the knowledge obtained during the showcases. A total of 95 people attended to the workshops, being 69 of them primary producers.
A preliminary study about the success factor of the success stories were carried out by FBCD and it was delivered as a presentation (available in the project website).
To support the showcasing and workshop organisation activities, INNOVARUM (COOPID D&C leader) edited two videos to disseminate the two first showcases (Oleícola el Tejar and Mollerup Brand) and created brochures and presentations about the showcases. In parallel, INNOVARUM continued with the maximization of the impact by publishing relevant information in the social media account of the project, and contacting with other entities in the EU bioeconomy to reach to wider audience.

At the moment of the submission of the Periodic Report 1, COOPID project is organising the following showcases to be carried out in the first half of 2022. At the same time, workshops will be periodically organised in the different project countries to continue with the maximisation of the impact by sharing the knowledge obtained.
In the following months the business analysis will continue and define the final success factors of the analysed business. The formulation of recommendation for different stakeholders (academia, primary producers and policy makers) will start at month 17 (May 2022).
The COOPID project will directly and indirectly impact the five objectives of the EU Bioeconomy strategy.
In relation to short/medium term impact, COOPID will promote sustainable and highly inclusive bioeconomy success stories in the European primary production sector. Uptake of such inclusive business models and their easy replication will be induced since a large number of bioeconomy stakeholders will be mobilized.
Practical recommendations for primary producers, policy-makers and academia & research will be elaborated and disseminated among the stakeholders.

The COOPID knowledge transfer approach, conveying the message about the bioeconomy in primary production, will allow to address an immense number of stakeholders in the bio-based sector. In this sense, COOPID has estimated to reach 9,420 stakeholders.

Regarding long-term impact, COOPID will promote innovative solutions to boost economic performance -through income diversification- and thus job creation -through highly skilled jobs- in the European primary production sector.

Such will stimulate local value creation, circularity, environmental sustainability & carbon neutrality and socio-economic sustainability. The COOPID ad-hoc strategy will be the framework for enabling dynamic deployment of sustainable and inclusive bio-based business models in the European primary production sector.

Last but not least, COOPID will also contribute to the SDGs as well as to European policies and commitments, such as the CAP post-2020, the Circular Economy Package and the European Green Deal. COOPID will be able to identify gaps in the EU research and innovation policy specifically regarding the bioeconomy and the primary production sector.
COOPID project infographic