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Networking the Educational World: Across Boundaries for Community-building

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NEW ABC (Networking the Educational World: Across Boundaries for Community-building)

Reporting period: 2022-01-01 to 2023-04-30

Providing equal educational opportunities is a crucial element for the successful integration of migrant children and young people in the European society. Formal and non-formal educational institutions such as public schools and local organizations play a fundamental role, as they have a significant impact on the emotional, social, and cultural development of children and young people. Notably, schools often take care of migrant children with scarce resources and staff that are not trained to deal with the challenges that they have to face. Moreover, top-down policies often result in projects and activities that fail to recognize and provide for children’s real needs. Consequently, children and young people with a recent past of migration continue to face barriers in the education system that current policies and practices fail to overcome.
Since these challenges are multilayered and result from several interrelated issues, the NEW ABC project relies on the integration of complementary approaches and on the involvement of different stakeholders to tackle them. In a nutshell, the overarching aim of the project is to create the basis for strategic change by combining stakeholder voices, co-created and participatory practices, and the creation of synergies among stakeholders that do not normally interact (for example, children and policy makers).
This broad goal is declined into three main objectives. First, the project aims to develop co-participated research with stakeholders in order to understand and identify children’s real needs. On the basis of this appraisal, nine pilot actions will be jointly designed with teachers and pupils and subsequently tested in the educational institutions. Second, the project aims to empower migrant children and young people by raising their awareness regarding their role in the educational setting and the value of their ‘voice’ in the planning of inclusive practices. Third, the project aims to ensure the development of integrated approaches at the local and (inter)national level: best practices and innovative actions will be made available in an accessible form to all educational institutions that are interested in promoting migrant children’s inclusion.
At this stage of the project (M28), the research consortium has achieved several of the project’s initial objectives.
First, the research team managed to develop co-participated research in various educational institutions and to complete the first testing of all nine pilot actions. Moreover, several tools were developed during the reporting period, such as a methodology protocol and explanatory material in different languages. In addition to these tools, the research teams managed to identify and make visible the stakeholders’ real needs in education. As regards the repiloting of the activities, all pilot actions are currently being retested in other countries to assess their scalability, replicability and sustainability in different contexts.
Second, the research teams succeeded in engaging stakeholders in the project and in integrating their voice in the planning of the activities. This engagement and the integration of participants’ perspective were achieved through the creation of an agile system that guarantees that all voices are heard and heeded for the whole duration of the project and beyond its completion. Specifically, the activities have been and will be aimed at raising awareness of the challenges and solutions for inclusion in the education of children and young people, continuing until the end of the project with the Science Shop, the retesting of the pilot actions, the app, and the platform. As regards the latter, the platform has been designed and it will be soon made public on the project website.
Third, the project managed to engage and keep engaged local actors by creating horizontal synergies between stakeholders who participated, directly or indirectly, in the first testing of the pilot actions. These horizontal synergies regard both stakeholders within the same institutions and different educational institutions. In addition, the project has created and continues to create vertical synergies in order to engage policy-makers and inform them of the real needs of children and young people in education. For instance, the partners organized several events and developed various tools to connect and engage with the general public, policy-making actors and stakeholders. Eventually, the research teams (a) drafted a first report of the Lessons Learned Log, which allows researchers to steadily reflect on their practice, (b) are currently running the NEW ABC Science Shop, and (c) are working on the NEW ABC app, which is currently being tested.
At this stage of the project, the impact of the first testing of the nine pilot actions can be assessed. In order to evaluate the impact of their pilot action, the research teams deployed several indicators. Broadly, the activities had a significant impact at the local level and will potentially reach various educational institutions at the European level.
First, the pilot actions promoted effective practices for the social inclusion of children and young people, which are now part of stakeholders’ repertoire and are being disseminated through various channels. These good practices contribute to the development of more inclusive educational institutions capable of increasing the sense of belonging of children and their families. In addition, the activities were showcased through various channels (e.g. at local events or through NEW ABC social media). Thereby, the good practices of the nine pilot actions informed other stakeholders’ professional practice in various educational institutions.
Second, the nine pilot actions enhanced horizontal and vertical synergies and cooperation amongst various stakeholders for the uptake of good and innovative practices. In terms of horizontal synergies, educators and teachers were informed of effective practices and established various interprofessional connections. In terms of vertical synergies, the dissemination of the activities reached policy makers at the local and regional level, and potentially at the national and international level.
Third, the first testing of the pilot actions empowered stakeholders in several educational contexts, as the activities managed to help stakeholders develop competences to effectively address the challenges they face in their daily lives. The development of new competences also regarded teachers and educators, who acquired social and intercultural skills through their continuous engagement with researchers and other professionals. The pilot actions also raised stakeholders’ awareness of their situation and of their potential role in the educational institution and in the broader society. For instance, children and young people were prompted to self-reflect and recognise the value of their voice and perspective.
Finally, the NEW ABC project is relevant and innovative from an academic perspective, as it advances crucial methodological insights. The implementation of the pilot actions allowed researchers to develop tools and strategies to measure and monitor the stages and impact of the co-creation process in various educational institutions. This experience may serve as a reference for future projects and initiatives, helping other researchers identify strengths and weaknesses in their co-created initiatives
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