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Developing and Implementing hands-on training on Open Science and Open Innovation for Early Career Researchers

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DIOSI (Developing and Implementing hands-on training on Open Science and Open Innovation for Early Career Researchers)

Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2022-12-31

Cities and regions across Europe are confronted with skills shortages and mismatches that hamper economic progress and social development. One of the key issues for HEIs (and member states) is to stimulate the development of entrepreneurial, creative and innovation skills and activities in all disciplines, and promote innovation in HE through more interactive learning environments and strengthened knowledge-transfer infrastructure . Entrepreneurship is a transversal competence, which can be applied to all spheres of life, from personal development, to actively participating in society, and to starting up ventures. The acquisition of competencies to act upon opportunities and ideas, and transform them into value for others by mobilizing resources is of central importance to doctoral candidates. From the specific perspective of researcher careers, the transition after a PhD to a non-academic sector is not always an easy endeavor for researchers. Although awareness is increasing, and a rising amount of training in transferable skills for Doctoral Candidates (DC) and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) is organized, this type of training is regularly provided in parallel to the doctoral programme, rather than being fully integrated. As a consequence, the importance of transferable skills training is seen as secondary, as opposed to training related to specific research skills. Furthermore, policymakers and society would like to see a cultural shift in Academia towards Open Science practices in order to account for the spending of public money on scientific research and to allow a broader part of society to participate in benefiting from innovation and knowledge created. Academics are becoming more and more aware of the topic, behaviour change is hard however. As reward systems are not yet fully adapted, and not all academics have had equal opportunity to see the gains of open science, the culture shift has not yet taken place and fully embraced these practices.
Therefore, in line with enabling institutional culture change, ECRs should be introduced to new ways of conducting research in order to be prepared for the future and to help create a more sustainable and fair way of disseminating research.
The project will tackle the following challenges: 1. Skills shortages and the need for researchers swiftly entering the non-academic labour market, and the need for entrepreneurial and innovation skills; 2) The need to integrate skills training into PhD programmes, the need to value the transferability of skills and transferable skills training, and to alleviate the workloads of ECRs.; 3) The need for a culture change towards OS practices.
The first aim of the project was to build a DIOSI-model for doctoral training. The conception of the model took 12 months and the final model was presented during the first DIOSI dissemination event (Rome, November 2021). In a second phase, the DIOSI institutions also developed roadmaps which include the necessary steps towards convergence of their current doctoral educational programme towards the DIOSI-model.
The second aim was to develop a training programme on Open Innovation & Entrepreneurship (OI&E) for DCs and ECRs. During the project we first created an overview of the most important elements of a training programme on OI&E and selected a list of (potential) trainers who were involved as participants in a Train the Trainer-programme (TtT) on OI&E (Deliverable 3.2). During the project, two TtT sessions were organized. We also created a feedback loop to the newly formed community of DIOSI-trainers on OI&E.
The third aim was to provide DIOSI-training on Open Science (OS) DCs and ECRs. The set-up was similar as the training on OI&E and consisted of two TtT sessions and local pilot trainings for DCs and ECRs. Through TtT sessions, we formed a solid base within the DIOSI-institutions that can maintain high-level training activities for researchers on OS. We also organized a follow-up meeting with the new trainers to exchange experiences, and to discuss possibilities of how to maintain the European network of OS trainers.
The fourth aim of the project was to develop a DIOSI impact and graduate tracking framework. We conducted a comprehensive review of impact evaluation methods/tools and defined key performance criteria for the developed training courses on OS and OI&E. The Framework has a comprehensive, modular, and versatile structure that includes two time perspectives (1 and 2) and three levels of tracking (a, b, and c): (1) the short-term perspective, which implies the individual training participation level (a); (2) the long-term perspective, implying the individual graduate career tracking level (b); and the impact on the university, stakeholders, and the society level (c). In a final step guidelines for the implementation of the Framework were developed. The Framework was presented during the second DIOSI dissemination event (Madrid, November 2022).
The DIOSI-project aims to 1) to build a DIOSI-model for doctoral education, to boost training on 2) OI&E and 3) OS and to 4) develop a joint impact and graduate tracking framework within the DIOSI-consortium.
We therefore planned for extensive and sustainable impact 1) to enhance the opportunities for DCs and ECRs, 2) to enhance the professional development of project staff; 3) at the institutional level and within the DIOSI-consortium; and 4) to influence other institutions and university networks in the European higher education area.
DCs and ECRs are the ultimate beneficiaries of this project. They will benefit from the courses that will be developed in collaboration with other partners during this project. They will acquire new knowledge, skills and competences which could not have been provided by one institution alone. They will improve their career opportunities and employability, both in and outside academia.
At the staff level, both the staff working on the project and the institutional trainers in the OS and OI&E courses will develop new experiences, skills and competences which will support them in their professional development and careers. They will be able to learn from experts, to share experiences and they will learn different ways of doing things through knowledge exchange. They will become more acquainted with the partners in the YUFE-alliance (including its goals and activities) and with their direct colleagues within the network.
At the institutional level, the quality of doctoral education programmes will increase due to the introduction of the DIOSI-model for doctoral education, the courses on OS and OI&E, and the implementation of the joint DIOSI impact framework. The international profile of the participating institutions and the DIOSI network will be enhanced. The international competitiveness of all DIOSI institutions (who are also involved in the YUFE alliance) will be further strengthened, as they will be able to offer more innovative training to their DCs and they will be able to foster mobility of their DCs much more easily within the consortium.
We will influence other institutions, university networks and alliances, since the outputs of the project will be made publicly available and will help other universities to develop their doctoral education models and programmes by introducing or strengthening their focus on OS and OI&E.
Visualization of the concept behind DIOSI
Logo of the DIOSI project