The ENABLECARES consortium will provide high-level training on Open Science, entrepreneurship and other related transferable skills to talented young scientists in Europe, with the aim to empower them and give them the tools necessary to pursue a professional career in academia or beyond. Junior researchers at the four participating partners have access to a wide training offer at their respective institutions thanks to well-established transferable skills programmes. However, two key competences, namely Entrepreneurship and Open Science are only partially covered by the programmes. Building on the expertise of IRB's Innovation Department and Radboud University on entrepreneurship and Open Science, ENABLECARES will implement two training curricula in these subjects (nodes) at all four partners through co-creation and Train-the-Trainers strategies. Modules on these concepts will be complemented by personal transferable skills courses already on offer at the partner institutions. A set of career advisors from the four partners will be trained by IRB’s Academic Office to counsel local ENABLECARES participants with regard to the courses that will allow them to succeed in the increasingly demanded sectors of entrepreneurship and/or data stewardship. Through innovative and participative methodologies, the training modules will be based on a combination of webinars and face-to-face workshops, and all materials and multimedia formats will be collected in an online platform accessible to the entire scientific community. The project will be made sustainable thanks to a Train-the-Trainers system, an approach that allows a well-orchestrated transfer of knowledge from experienced personnel of the two partners leading the nodes. ENABLECARES will track the career paths that young researchers follow after completing the courses. This information will set the basis for further actions to modernise PhD programmes, thereby leading to greater employment opportunities.
Palabras clave
Convocatoria de propuestas
Consulte otros proyectos de esta convocatoriaConvocatoria de subcontratación
Régimen de financiación
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinador
08028 Barcelona