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Hydrogen pilot storage for large ecosystem replication

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HYPSTER (Hydrogen pilot storage for large ecosystem replication)

Período documentado: 2021-01-01 hasta 2022-06-30

The project HyPSTER aims to demonstrate the industrial-scale operation of cyclic hydrogen storage in salt caverns to support the emergence of the hydrogen energy economy in Europe in line with overall Hydrogen Europe road-mapping. The cavern is located in Etrez, in the AuRA region. For the production of green hydrogen, the Etrez storage site will rely on local renewable energy sources (photovoltaic, hydroelectric) and a 1-MW electrolyser.
The project brings together 9 European partners including 2 RTOs for technology development, and 6 industries including 2 SME, plus 1 public-private cluster association to ensure maximum dissemination and uptake of HYPSTER results.

The specific objectives are to:
1) Define relevant cyclic tests to be performed based on modelling and the needs of emerging hydrogen regions across Europe
2) Demonstrate the viable operation of H2 cyclic storage for the full range of use-cases of emerging European hydrogen regions
3) Assess the economic feasibility of large-scale cyclic H2 storage to define the roadmap for future replication across the EU
4) Assess the risks and environmental impacts of H2 cyclic storage in salt caverns and provide guidelines for safety, regulations and standards
5) Commit at least 3 companies to using the hydrogen storage and 3 potential sites to replicate the cyclic hydrogen storage elsewhere in Europe on a commercial-scale by the end of the project

To achieve this, the following main phases have been identified:
• 2020: Definition of the regulatory framework for the project. Reception of financing by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, signature of the consortium agreement.
• 2021: Basic and detailed engineering studies.
• 2022: Construction of the hydrogen production platform and of the EZ53 Salt cavern.
• 2023: Experimentation of hydrogen storage in a salt cavern and start hydrogen production.
During the first project period, key progress has been made reaching crucial milestones.

At the project level, the phase 1 (engineering studies) has been completed and the phase 2 (construction) is well underway after obtaining the necessary permits. The project is on track to deliver all activities on time.

WP1 Activities were conducted and completed, in line with the project schedule.
o Three main reports have been produced:
- An analysis on hydrogen consumption profiles and customer perspectives was carried out by Element Energy. This includes an analysis of renewable energy generation profiles for onshore wind, hydraulic and solar in France in 2019/2020, the likely sizing of an electrolysis unit and options for electrolysis operational priority (direct connection) and grid priority (renewable power to the grid and only to electrolysis when in excess).
- Experimental cycles to be used in the EZ53 cavern during the pilot phase to demonstrate the ability of salt caverns to meet the requirements of energy storage and provide resilience to hydrogen supply systems.
- H2 storage cycles definition to meet storage needs.

Tools and methods have been elaborated as part of WP2 activities, the WP2 partners
o prepared a note detailing the ‘History of the Cavern EZ53 before producing the deliverable D2.3 “Design of Tightness Test” which contains details on the implementation of the tightness test at cavern EZ53.
o have also developed case studies of various caverns and an exemplary load case in order to establish a framework for conducting benchmark modelling and for comparing the modelling results of the different software (LOCAS, KAVPOOL/FLAC3D), both summarized in a file named Cardinal Data Sheet.
o a proposal for the Cyclic Test Program of cavern EZ53 (D2.2) was developed.
o finalised the numerical models describing the setup and calibration of representative models considering the actual cavern configuration of EZ53 as well as appropriate material properties of the cavern surroundings.
o all modelling work at EZ53 was described in detail in the deliverable D2.4.

At the end of Period 1, all preparatory work for onsite construction have been completed and construction on site started in mid-July.
o The engineering has been completed.
o All tendering contracts for the surface works have been awarded (electrolyser, compression...)
o All tendering contracts for the sub-surface works have also been awarded (casing, wellhead and completion).
o All required permits have been granted for the storage and H2 production platforms and the construction started

WP4 activities have started earlier than planned as it was concluded it would be beneficial for part of the analysis to start earlier in September 2021 (particularly the task 4.2)

As part of WP5 activities, all the risks and safety works required for the start of the construction have been completed. WP5 partners also compared the numerical modelling to cavern storage risk evaluation:
o An environmental impact assessment and safety plan have been conducted for the pilot o
o An evaluation of how the numerical models developed in Tasks 2.1 and 2.2 and integrating the thermodynamical and geomechanical behaviour of hydrogen-filled salt caverns may improve the estimation and evaluation of risks performed in Task 5.1

Cross cutting activities conducted as part of WP6 and WP7 are on track and aligned with project’s advancements. All necessary processes, tools and materials were developed in the first period of the project. Of note:
o Many dissemination activities have been held in the first period and the project benefits from a good coverage especially in specialised medias. A dissemination and communication plan has been prepared and submitted by Axelera which describes the content of each task listed in the Grant Agreement.
o Effective coordination has allowed the project to manage overall risks and mitigate the risks of delays.
o An amendment has been successfully submitted which mainly formalised the addition of Equinor and Brouard Consulting to the consortium.
HyPSTER responds to Clean H2 JU’s Techno-economic objective 4 from the Multi-Annual Work Plan (MAWP) 2014-2020: to demonstrate on a large scale the feasibility of using hydrogen to support integration of renewable energy sources into the energy systems, including through its use as a competitive energy storage medium for electricity produced from renewable energy sources.

Impact 1: Demonstrate the cyclic operation of a salt cavern when subjected to hydrogen input variations that respect typical variations in renewable power generation and energy demand , as well as the possible impact in the gas transportation system

Impact 2: Establish the technical feasibility of safe and effective underground storage of renewable hydrogen by considering the possible geological, environmental issues, and the operational, inspection and maintenance requirements

Impact 3: Evaluate the scalability of renewable hydrogen storage for large scale replication and propose the engineering of specific solutions

Impact 4: Clarify issues relating to hydrogen purity and composition after the injection/extraction processes, the geological and the environmental impacts, pressure level variations and the level of measurement/instrumentation required among other issues

Impact 5: Aim to reach the 2020 H2 storage MAWP target of System CAPEX of €450/kg of H2 stored or an additional cost to H2 released of €1/kg.
Peripheral drainage channel in Etrez
Earth work in Etrez
Storm water bassin in Etrez