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Semantically Connected Semiconductor Supply Chains

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

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Report on international cooperation A

This report will describe the activities done throughout the project for cooperation D63A will describe activities till mid the duration of the project and D63B is for the second half This report addresses Impact 9 Facilitate uptake of new project results by including the number of projects to collaborate form projects cluster

Demonstrators specifications, development and implementation reports B

The deliverables will report the implementation of the demonstrators Each deliverable will include the description of each demonstrator accompanied by all relevant usage guidelines The lessons learned from each stage and how they are accommodated in the next stages are also reported

Yearly report on stakeholders' engagement activities B

These deliverables will describe the result of the workshops done throughout the year These reports will include the measurement for number of stakeholder meetings per quarter to evaluate the establishment of regular stakeholder meetings with a view to management Impact 2 oD61B i is a feedback on developed ontologies ii is a feedback on developed platform iii feedback on demonstrators

Dissemination and Communication Reporting D

This deliverable will report iterations of the web and social media presence of the project including curated content and collaterals These reports contains registered users and of accesses per day and their affiliated domain T44 F2 to measure i Access of other relevant EUfunded projects and increase of active users Impact 3 ii Extension of the platform to other use cases Impact 4 This deliverable will report the participants from other projects and Lighthouse initiatives in the events throughout the project Impact 5

Annual report on standardization activities and stakeholder involvement

This report will covera Standardisation activities This report will describe the activities done throughout the project for standardisation and the outcome of the efforts to include standardisation bodies This reports contains information from D31 about the of ontologies build from standards after year 2 ratio of merged standards into the digital reference and after year 3 Publication of a quasistandard from one of the standardization bodies to measure Impact 7 about standardisationsb International cooperation Report on international cooperation B 36 This report will describe the activities done throughout the project for cooperation D63A will describe activities till mid the duration of the project and D63B is for the second half This report addresses Impact 9 Facilitate uptake of new project results by including the number of projects to collaborate form projects clusterc Stakeholder engagement activities Description of the results of the workshops done throughout the year This report will include the measurement for number of stakeholder meetings per quarter to evaluate the establishment of regular stakeholder meetings with a view to management Impact 2 o D61C i is a plan on how to maintain and extend the vocabulary developed ii will include stakeholders insights on uptake strategies and further use policies and sustainability of the platform iii will summarize the need for future proof of concepts to highlight different aspects of the industrial platform functionalities

Dissemination and Communication Reporting A

This deliverable will define the communication plan and strategy and establish impact measurement instruments and strategies It will also comprise a solid design guide depicting the branding and visual language the project will use KPIs for dissemination and communication plans Table 8 In M3 information is provided how exactly these phases will be tackled Therefore a detailed list of tackled printed journals and digital LinkedIn media will be provided Furthermore a concrete plan will be developed on how many people will read the printed and digital content published by the SC3 team

Report on Sustainable Uptake and Policy recommendations B

This report will analyse in depth all sustainable uptake possibilities business models and policy recommendations The objective is that a selffunded and sustainable solution is put in place by the consortium before the end of the project This report contains generated income during the project to measure Impact 6

Ontologies, Taxonomies, models B

This report is the M12 input to the Digital Reference data documentation An updated and final version of this report is delivered in M24 This report will contain the number of ontologies build from standards in order to measure Impact 7 as well as number of ontologies reused from other projects Impact 9

Yearly report on stakeholders’ engagement activities A

These deliverables will describe the result of the workshops done throughout the year These reports will include the measurement for number of stakeholder meetings per quarter to evaluate the establishment of regular stakeholder meetings with a view to management Impact 2 oD61A describing stakeholder needs and requirements i for a standardised vocabulary describing the domain and the commonly known and existing data documentation and models ii for platform functionalities iii for demonstrators

Requirements Elicitation / Specification C

Updated version of Requirements Elicitation Specification B

Report on Validation and Verification of Requirements

This deliverable will report on the validation and verification of the requirements following the interactions with all the stakeholders through the demonstrators designed in WP5 and other planned means eg webinars conferences etc

Digital Reference collaborative ontology framework integration, deployment and testing

This deliverable will report the integration and deployment details of the collaborative ontology framework highlighting issues that have been addressed during its implementation as well as reporting the technical testing of the framework in terms of performance Tests are based on the demonstrators in WP5 and cover the ontology governance as well as functional and nonfunctional properties of the platform

Dissemination and Communication Reporting C

This deliverable will report iterations of the web and social media presence of the project including curated content and collaterals These reports contains registered users and of accesses per day and their affiliated domain T44 F2 to measure i Access of other relevant EUfunded projects and increase of active users Impact 3 ii Extension of the platform to other use cases Impact 4 This deliverable will report the participants from other projects and Lighthouse initiatives in the events throughout the project Impact 5

Requirements Elicitation / Specification B

Updated version of Requrements Elicitation Specification A

Report on Sustainable Uptake and Policy recommendations A

Deliver plan for sustainable uptake The plan includes details for the concrete functionality of the platform and the potential commercial purpose Furthermore the exact business model are targeted here Also how we exploit the knowledge to a wider community of stakeholders via conferences newsletters etc is described

Demonstrators specifications, development and implementation reports C

The deliverables will report the implementation of the demonstrators Each deliverable will include the description of each demonstrator accompanied by all relevant usage guidelines The lessons learned from each stage and how they are accommodated in the next stages are also reported

Yearly report standardisation activities A

This report will describe the activities done throughout the project for standardisation and the outcome of the efforts to include standardisation bodies This reports contains information from D31 about the of ontologies build from standards after year 2 ratio of merged standards into the digital reference and after year 3 Publication of a quasi standard from one of the standardization bodies to measure Impact 7 about standardisations

Ontologies, Taxonomies, models A

This report is the M12 input to the Digital Reference data documentation An updated and final version of this report is delivered in M24 This report will contain the number of ontologies build from standards in order to measure Impact 7 as well as number of ontologies reused from other projects Impact 9

Data Documentation best practices in Semiconductor Industry

This Deliverable will provide a report on best practices in semiconductor industry data documentation It addresses existing reusable data documentation in the field of semiconductors as well as ontologies taxonomies that are missing and need modelling Reusability is determined by stakeholders WP6 existing ontologies taxonomies will be integrated to Digital Reference as data documentation covering extended domains

Demonstrators specifications, development and implementation reports A

The deliverables will report the implementation of the demonstrators Each deliverable will include the description of each demonstrator accompanied by all relevant usage guidelines The lessons learned from each stage and how they are accommodated in the next stages are also reported

Demonstrators evaluation and feedback report B

The deliverables will give feedback on analysis guiding future development In the D52C deliverable the process that the demonstrators will be incorporated in the project sustainability activities WP7 These reports will also contain the results of the KPI measurement designed in T51 and are fed to WP4 for further enhancements if the nonfunctional requirements are not met

Requirements Elicitation / Specification A

This deliverable will be produced in the context of T21 and T22 The initial version is to be submitted in M12 and will report the complete list of the functional requirements of the platform as well as the description of the vocabulary and the ontologies for semiconductor domain and other relating domains This document will continuously be updated addressing the emerging business and research wide needs that might come up during the project implementation so as to revise and or prioritize the functional requirements that will be defined in the first version

Demonstrators evaluation and feedback report A

The deliverables will give feedback on analysis guiding future development In the D52C deliverable the process that the demonstrators will be incorporated in the project sustainability activities WP7 These reports will also contain the results of the KPI measurement designed in T51 and are fed to WP4 for further enhancements if the nonfunctional requirements are not met

Integrated ontology ecosystem

This report describes the harmonization workflow and delivers the final version of Digital Reference ontology

Digital Reference collaborative ontology framework specification and integration plan

This deliverable will define the integration plan of the Digital Reference collaborative ontology framework specifying the overall architecture and providing details of its components as well as their interoperability towards the realization of an agile integration of the ontology management and validation tools online environment

Dissemination and Communication Reporting B

This deliverable will report iterations of the web and social media presence of the project including curated content and collaterals These reports contains registered users and of accesses per day and their affiliated domain T44 F2 to measure i Access of other relevant EUfunded projects and increase of active users Impact 3 ii Extension of the platform to other use cases Impact 4 This deliverable will report the participants from other projects and Lighthouse initiatives in the events throughout the project Impact 5

Demonstrators evaluation and feedback report C

The deliverables will give feedback on analysis guiding future development In the D52C deliverable the process that the demonstrators will be incorporated in the project sustainability activities WP7 These reports will also contain the results of the KPI measurement designed in T51 and are fed to WP4 for further enhancements if the nonfunctional requirements are not met

Data Management Plan First Version

Submission of the first version of the data management plan The DMP describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected processed andor generated by SC3 It will cover the handling of research data during and after the end of the project what data will be collected processed andor generated which methodology and standards will be applied whether data will be sharedmade open access and how data will be curated and preserved Also the DMP provides guidelines how the data will be stored in an open research repository and how we ensure how third parties can freely access mine exploit reproduce and disseminate our data Therefore a way how to access the data with the necessary tools is provided This is necessary to validate the researchAlso within the data management plan the open research pilot is covered The open research pilot will cover the need to balance openness and protection of scientific information commercialisation and IPR privacy concerns security data management and preservation questions Guidelines will be provided whether research data will be open or closed but will follow the principle of as open as possible as closed as necessary

2. Updated Data Management Plan

The data management plan will be updated in the following manner newly generated data changes in the consortium policies like new innovation potential or decision to file for a patent and changes in the consortium composition and external factors will be covered by the DMP

1. Updated Data Management Plan

The data management plan will be updated in the following manner newly generated data changes in the consortium policies like new innovation potential or decision to file for a patent and changes in the consortium composition and external factors will be covered by the DMP


Collaborative and Cross-Stakeholder Ontology Engineering

Author(s): Fawad Khan, Felix Engel, Nenad Krdzavac, Sören Auer
Published in: International Workshop on Data-driven Resilience Research 2022, 2022
Publisher: Coer

The Digital Reference: Semantically Connecting Semiconductor Supply Chains to Customers -The Open Online Sales and Marketing Vision

Author(s): Nour Ramzy, Hans Ehm, Vitalis Wiens and Laura Kohnen
Published in: 2021
Publisher: Infineon Technologies AG on ResearchGate


Author(s): Abdelhak Khemiri, Claude Yugma, Stephane Dauzère-Pérès
Published in: Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference, Issue 2021, 2021, Page(s) 1-10
Publisher: IEEE Press
DOI: 10.1109/wsc52266.2021.9715349

Design and Application of an Ontology for Demand Fulfillment in Semiconductor Supply Chains.

Author(s): Raphael Herding, Lars Mönch, Hans Ehm
Published in: Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference, 2022, Page(s) 1-12
Publisher: IEEE

Productive4.0Holistic Innovations to Open the Potentials of Digital Industry

Author(s): Thomas Gutt, Hans Ehm, Germar Schneider, Prof. Dr. Eng. George Dimitrakopoulos
Published in: International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, 2022
Publisher: CS Mantech

KnowGraph-PM: A Knowledge Graph Based Pricing Model for Semiconductor Supply Chains

Author(s): Nour Ramzy, Sören Auer, Javad Chamanara, Hans Ehm
Published in: Computer and Information Science 2021—Summer, Issue 985, 2021, Page(s) 61-75, ISBN 978-3-030-79473-6
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-79474-3_5

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