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Hive PRO Protein Factories for a Circular Economy

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Hive Pro (Hive PRO Protein Factories for a Circular Economy)

Période du rapport: 2022-01-01 au 2022-12-31

The Problem
The global demand for animal proteins will increase by 60% until 20306, especially for poultry.
Currently, the EU is importing 74% of its high protein feeds (e.g. soy and fish meal) that are needed for the most carbon-efficient livestock: fish and poultry. With arable land decreasing, fish stocks close to depletion and climate change putting additional strain on production7, insects are an extremely space- and climate-efficient solution for transforming existing, low value food waste into high value products8: Protein, oil and organic fertilizer.
However, it has been extremely difficult for potential insect producers to enter the market, due to high infrastructure cost, a lack of know-how and equipment, as well as a lack of a sound business case. With the right technologies and infrastructure put in place, there is a huge market opportunity in upcycling the large amounts of unsold food wasted in the EU into animal protein.

Our Solution:
As the cost of feed accounts for half the production costs of insects, we decided to go to a place where feed is abundant, essentially for free and all the necessary infrastructure already in place: Feed mills and food recycling companies. Our solution empowers these non-insect companies to use insect technology to drastically increase their current profit margin on food waste, while securing our future protein supply in an ecologically sustainable way. We are delivering a highly scalable insect farming solution. Our competitive advantage is simplicity, low risk and fast deployment of this turnkey solution.
This solution, with its underlying business opportunity, enables a rapid scale up to make a lasting impact on our food system.

Overall Objectives:
• HP Protein Factories for Insect Fattening:
Plug & play modules at an industrial scale for fattening and processing of insect larvae on-site where the food waste occurs or where there is existing infrastructure of food waste processing (bread mills and recycling centres). For this process, we utilize the species of Tenebrio molitor, commonly referred to as “mealworm”.
• HP Seedlings for Supplying the HP Protein Factories:
Baby insect larvae, grown in our HP Nursery. Together with special starter feed, they are supplied monthly to our customers for fattening.
• HP FaaS (Factory as a Service):
A full service for training, remote monitoring, process optimization, maintenance and upgrades for our customers.
Find first beta customer which is willing to construct and operate the first full scale demonstrator of the HP Protein Factory
Partial Construction of a full scale demonstrator of the HP Protein Factory on the test site
Implementation of the developed rearing process
Scale up of the existing reproduction process to supply up to ten factories
Implementation of the scaled HP Nursery on-site of Livin Farms
Evaluation of the HP Nursery performance
Global outreach actions to build awareness among potential customers
Identify and cluster potential HP Protein Factory and HP Nursery sites
Livin Farms technology is a solution that goes beyond the state of the art in its technology as well as business model. It is the first of its kind turnkey solution for insect production and a game-changer for prospective insect producers.

From 2020 onwards, EU member states are obliged to report food waste levels annually with the goal to reduce food waste by 30% until 2025 and by 50% until 203033. As a result, many actions
were started by the relevant industries on national levels. Food waste is increasingly becoming a financial and image burden to companies. Also, consumers develop an increasing awareness about wastes and zero waste considerations become part of the lives of many families. Livin Farms provides an effective solution to these growing concerns that none of its competitors have
done before. Furthermore, Livin Farms´ business model creates revenues for its customers, encouraging entrepreneurship and SME growth across Europe.
Although Livin Farms tackles bakery waste first, the technology can be applied to a large variety of food wastes, with brewery waste being the next logical step. Livin Farms will therefore continue to grow its impact in the circular economy.
With HP Protein Factory, Livin Farms supports local food infrastructure, with little to no transportation between the place where food waste occurs to where it is upcycled into insects. Yet the produced products have an impact on a larger scale by replacing imported products such as fish meal or soy. It therefore significantly contributes to EU food security.
The locations of recycling companies and feed mills are often in rural areas. This means added value for non-urban locations, providing employment for local communities in rural areas.