Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BonsAPPs (AI-as-a-Service for the Deep Edge)
Período documentado: 2021-01-01 hasta 2022-06-30
Project-funded Use Cases will demonstrate how Bonseyes Marketplace Platform simplifies timeconsuming non-functional tasks in AI design, produces AI at a lower cost and offers specific means to scale innovations once put into the market. Two rounds of use cases will drive supply from AI professionals and demand from End Users to explore the potential gains of AI at the Deep Edge. End users, mainly SMEs/non-tech users lacking internal innovation capacities, will receive guidance in launching Industry Challenges fitting their needs. Specialized AI developers and integrators (AI Talents) will engage with them into an open innovation cycle to solve challenges; Edge AI Apps will be developed and integrated in Solutions at the Deep Edge using different deployment platforms.
Coordinated by the HES-SO supported by the BCA (Bonseyes Community Association), both aware of existing barriers to bring AI innovations into the market, eight complementary partners participate: six technology partners in charge of frontend, backend , security and licensing and interoperability with development platforms, (will also provide technical support to the Use Case Owners); a specialist in Open Call Management; a specialist in digital business coordinating communication and dissemination. AI Talents involved will also have the possibility, under specific re-use licensing framework, of commercializing these results (develop new Apps/Solutions for other end users).
Engagement of all relevant audiences (AI4EU community, AI researchers/developers, non-tech SMEs, clusters and value-chain leaders) is secured by the outreach capacities of partners to startups, corporate-led/RTO-led AI and Digital Innovation Hubs.
Boost competitiveness through top European intelligent product/service research while reducing CAPEX, experts, and time to adoption.
Boost technology transfer through the mobilization of talent, innovation hubs, pilots with integrated and reusable assets, tools, and European industry user-driven challenges.
Boost tech convergence through fertilizing technology leadership, AI coalitions and interworking sharing current market best practices in deployment of AI with distributed and decentralized technologies.