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5G Application & Services experimentation and certification Platform

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 5GASP (5G Application & Services experimentation and certification Platform)

Période du rapport: 2021-01-01 au 2022-06-30

As 5G approaches a very high maturity level, testing and validation of the innovations achieved in 5G by integrators and vertical service providers has become of utmost importance.

5GASP shortens the idea-to-market process through the creation of a European NetApp deployment, testing and certification ecosystem for SME's and Start-ups.

5GASP Objectives are:

• Acceleration of the development, testing and certification of NetApps, through the creation of a common platform, DevOps tools and a certification roadmap
• Provision of state-of-Mye-art testbeds where applications for relevant verticals can be tested and validated in a cost-effective way.
• Technical innovation by addressing inter-domain use cases, security and trust aspects associated with NetApp deployment and Operation
• Automation of the process of testing and validation, lowering cost associated with testing and certification of NetApps in telecommunication environment
– Established operation of all project bodies,
- ensured quality of project work and its results as well as self-assessment and project monitoring, including risk management
- organized project administration, supervision of financial flows and communication

- Created a definition of Network Application and scope of services available from the 5GASP reference architecture
- Created initial definitions of the rest of the entities, their scope and role in the overall application architecture, services provided and high-level description of interfaces for coordination
- Provided capabilities and requirements of all participating NetApps and testbeds
- Created reference and base understanding of scope and entities of 5GASP certification pipeline, to be used in individual WP for implementation and further design

Delivered he 5GASP NetApp Onboarding and Deployment Services (NODS) requirements, consisting of the onboarding and deployment input model, the actors of the Services and the facing aspects and requirements extracted from the list of actors as well as the internal architecture of NODS is introduced along with its constituent internal services, followed by the standardized northbound interfaces that are eventually exposed.
- Delivered and deployed the NODS experimentation service for architecture validation and the fulfilment of the previously extracted requirements. NODS supports the onboarding process of the NetApps as well as the full CI/CD cycle.
- Studied the conditions to be met to address the facility sites interconnection into a multi- domain NFV/SDN fabric, along with its implementation proposal and the security aspects emerged as well as the implementation capabilities to be met by each component of the multi-domain fabric, i.e. testbeds, so as to address the specific needs of the vertical use cases.
- Delivered the interdomain connectivity between the 5GASP test sites. The 5GASP multi- domain NFV fabric is designed to allow secure deployment of Network Services across the testbeds.
- Deployed Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) network slices at all the 5GASP testbeds from the NODS portal
- Studied the technical requirements of the NetApps and the ability of the testbeds to support the NetApp(s) deployment

- A methodology to produce NetApps has been defined: the 5GASP methodology. It defines how 5GASP SME partners solutions will be defined, modelled, designed and implemented to compound a NetApp ready to be automated, able to follow the CI/CD process and be testable.
- The NetApps of the consortium are applying the methodology and they are at different levels of VNFication, being the majority of them in the latest stages of NetApp development and some of them already in deployment and testing stages.
- The initial design of NetApps in the Automotive and PPDR Verticals has been presented in D4.3.
- Inputs for WP5 have been provided in the form of the NetApp test plan, initial test definitions and testing needs, and for WP3, with the NetApp hardware requirements from testbeds.

- Definition of the NFV Model Test Plan
- Design & Development of the Validation Service
- Development of pre-defined tests
- Initial version of the process and tools used for the Certification Process.

- Developing both portals’ beta versions ( and
- Proceeding with delivering and making publicly available NetAppCommunity portal final version.
- Defining the initial design plan for the 5GASP-C process and its sub-processes.
- 5GASP Community Engagement Events: 3 online webinars and a NetAppLab event with hybrid online and physical presence.

- Website and project branding
- Data management plan creation
- Market research
- IPR management
- Dissemination activities (scientific publications, major conferences participation, press
releases, industrial fora related activities, social media, etc.)
5GASP will offer a unique state-of-the art multi-domain facility for experimentation and testing. 5GASP will go beyond by fully automating the experimentation and testing cycles under this multi-domain infrastructure, which will support multiple models (TOSCA, YANG), cross-model orchestration deployments and testing of portable NetApp across sites. A novel Testing and Execution framework will also be integrated to fully support automated testing and prepare NetApps for future certification processes. We expect that 5GASP will offer a reference implementation for future NetApps for 5G certification programs.

We expect that 5GASP will implement a certification scheme enabling the automated, reproducible validation of NetApps across multiple network infrastructure environments. This certification will be available to European SMEs with a low barrier of participation (technically and commercially) during the lifetime of the project. The project will develop a dissemination strategy to extend the market reach of the program and to extend its lifetime beyond the end of the project through partnerships.

The ambition of 5GASP is to support development of specialized PPDR NetApps in response to such expectations and demonstrate their value through verification, certification and demonstration of 5G network resilience, privacy, trust, security and ad-hoc extensibility during massive disasters.

5GASP therefore ambitions to develop NetApps either compatible with the “extended vehicle” standards or with “C-ITS” standards – possibly both at once – in order to facilitate the adoption of 5G and offer a framework for the development of innovative services that meet the constraints of these new standards.

We expect 5GASP to take the next step in the-state-of-the-art regarding efficient MEC handover, in particular. This will support SME NetApps targeting the Automotive use case and which require efficient handover between MEC points. Efficient handovering of NetApps at the MEC side may refer to, e.g. strict latency, reliability, network path capacity and overall quality or simply resource availability at destination MEC.

5GASP will capitalize on progress achieved in relevant open source ecosystems as well as integration and deployment practices, developed within these initiatives. 5GASP facilities will use Open Source Solutions (OSS) in the virtualized infrastructure implementation
5GASP - a DevOps for 5G Networks