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Open-Digital-Industrial and Networking pilot lines using modular components for scalable production

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ODIN (Open-Digital-Industrial and Networking pilot lines using modular components for scalable production)

Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2022-06-30

Despite the fact that robots have very well proven their flexibility and efficiency in mass production and are recognized as the production resource of the future, their adoption in lower volume, diverse environment is heavily constrained. The main reason for this is the high integration and deployment complexity that overshadows the performance benefits of this technology. In order for the robots to become accepted across the different production industries, real evidence that they are able to operate in an open, modular and scalable way is required. ODIN aspires to fill this gap by introducing technology from the latest ground breaking research the fields of:
• Collaborating robots and human robot collaborative workplaces,
• Autonomous robotics and AI based task planning,
• Mobile robots and reconfigurable tooling,
• Digital Twins and Virtual Commissioning
• Service Oriented Robotics Integration and Communication Architectures.
The vision of ODIN is: to demonstrate that novel robot-based production systems are not only technically feasible, but also efficient and sustainable for immediate introduction at the shopfloor”.
In order to meet this challenge, ODIN consortium aims to work on the basis of five objectives:

• Enabling the introduction of mobile, autonomous, environment aware and collaborative robotics in industrial settings.
• Creating digital validation tools for these robotic systems in order to allow scalability with minimum complexity and integration.
• Commercializing an advanced robotics integration platform able to link the robotics design and development stage with the normal production conditions.
• Deploying full scale demonstrators in different production sectors to serve as a token of the industrial grade performance of the ODIN production systems.
• Create innovation ecosystem to enable sustainability of open Pilot Lines – involving robotic application stakeholders and inspiring further deployment.

The ODIN Large Scale Pilot concept visualizes, several robotics technologies which will be integrated for the execution of a specific production task grouped in 4 main ODIN components as presented below:
• Open Component (OC). This component is a small footprint, small scale pilot instances for the development, integration and testing of cutting-edge technologies.
• Digital Component (DC) is a virtual instance of the selected pilots implementing an accurate Digital Twin representation that allows the commissioning, validation and control of the actual pilots.
• Industrial Component (IC) is a full-scale instance of the pilot, integrating hardware and software modules from the Open and Digital components and operating under an actual production environment.
• Networked Component (NC) is an integration architecture with open interfaces for the communication of all robotics hardware and control systems through safe and secure means.
During the first period of the project may the following actions performed by ODIN partners:
• Definition of the pilot case scenarios involving:
o Automotive pilot case: This pilot investigates the assembly process of a vehicle car engine. The selected assembly process is divided in 3 different operations : a) motor and gearbox connection b) additional parts installation on the assembled motor and c) quality inspection of screws, connectors and other parts of the motor and gearbox assembly.
o Aeronautics pilot case: The Aeronautics pilot line focuses on the automation of the tasks required for A320 Neo Fan-cowls production using a mobile dual robot. The involved operations are: a) template base drilling operations, b) safe autonomous transportation and c) assembly inspection.
o White Goods pilot case: This ODIN pilot is focused on making customization easier and improving the current robot solution in the white goods industry. This pilot case is centralized on Human – Robot Collaboration for the transformer’s installation in an oven but also cooktops and knobs placement on the top of a cooktop burner.

• Industrial pilots’ requirements and specifications extraction for the successful execution of pilot cases
• Description of the reference architecture of the ODIN modules
• Design, implementation and management of the project web internal and public portal.

• ODIN technologies design and individual prototypes:
o Autonomous mobile and robotic manipulators
o Reconfigurable robot tools
o Robotic perception for the process, the human and the environment
o Smart human side interfaces based on Augmented Reality (AR) and wearable devices
o User friendly robot programming interfaces
o Digital resource description of ODIN components
o Digital Twin using sensor data fusion
o Digital simulation
o Artificial Intelligent (AI) task planner module
o OpenFlow integration platform
o Digital Twin protection framework and intelligent threat analysis toolkit
o Pilots safety components and risk assessment
The ODIN Open Component aims to combine several technologies in the fields of autonomous mobile robots, collaborative robotics, robotic perception and human robot interaction. This will also have an impact on the health and safety of involved operators, since the non-ergonomic operations will be assigned to the proposed robotic solutions. The ability of the Digital Component modules to simulate and validate alternative system configurations signifies a huge reduction in the cost, time and complexity of reconfiguring/operating large scale robotics systems. The use of robotics of agile production enables reduction of cost of handling issues between the separated processes and spaces between robots and humans. Additionally, ODIN introduces a novel approach for tasks orchestration platform in the industry namely OpenFlow. ODIN large scale pilots will be assessed against their suitability, openness and flexibility arising from human-robot collaboration in production and in this way contributing to the social, technological, economic and environmental sustainability of the manufacturing industry. The expected results of the project are the following:

• Mobile dual arm manipulator for flexible operations
• System for enabling docking and collaborative operation of mobile units
• Generic Perception skill library providing Application-ready solutions for flexible robotics guiding
• Mobile platform navigation software library, complementing the traditional SLAM with vision-based accurate localization
• Fenceless environment monitoring and robot control software library
• Automatic programming software library providing an easy operation programming for product-variants
• Dual-arm manipulator constrained motion planning and compliant control software library
• Multi-robot coordination system
• Digital Light Processing (DLP) projector and 3D sensor based dynamic safety zones, virtual buttons and Graphical User Interface
• Concept for Virtual/Augmented Reality based safety training with HRC cells
• Data model of resource descriptions and web service for sharing descriptions
• Robust, safe and scalable autonomous mobile manipulators
• Integrated solution involving different manufacturing technologies
• Active Digital Twin protection framework and intelligent threat analysis toolkit
• Deployment of innovative risk assessment and validation methods for new lines of robotics
• Open flexible orchestration of workplaces
• Human-Robot Interaction suite for collaborative assembly operations
• Model based Task Planner