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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - IN-4-AHA (Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing)

Période du rapport: 2022-01-01 au 2022-12-31

The Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing (IN-4-AHA), was an EU Horizon2020 funded project that lasted for 24 months from January 2021 until December 2022. The project focused on the engagements of existing and needed mechanisms to empower the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) ecosystem and the cross-border scale-up of tested and ready-to-use applications towards healthcare. The project was a coordination and support action supporting further the scale-up of mechanisms provided by EIP on AHA and its stakeholders towards a more efficient uptake of innovation cycle in active and healthy ageing. The efficient uptake of innovative solutions and bringing together supply and demand side was one of the core aspects of the project. All activities of the project were created with an approach that stakeholders must be involved in each step and tools, guidelines and outcomes are co-created with the end users.
As a result the IN-4-AHA project has achieved its objectives, the consortium has co-created an innovation scale-up model for Active and Healthy ageing. The model should lead to the organisational and behavioural change in respective authorities to meet the needs of suppliers and demand-side and help innovative solutions reach the community with shorter time. The model has been validated by series of tests and gives guidelines for testing, the model is complemented with an implementation roadmap and long-term investment strategy, supported by evaluation toolbox and data governance guidelines and all work carried out during the project has contributed the the policy recommendations as next steps.
All outputs are available:
The outcomes of the project reflect only the author’s view, the European Commission accepts no responsibility for the contents and results of any work carried out under this project.

The project consortium had 10 partners from 7 European countries:
OVERALL OBJECTIVE | coordination and support to the further scale-up mechanisms provided by EIP on AHA, and its stakeholders towards more efficient uptake of innovations in active and healthy ageing.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE | develop a practical validated innovation scale-up model to facilitate the scale-up of innovative solutions across EU in active and healthy ageing supported by:
-The efficient engagement and active contributions from stakeholders’ network and ecosystem.The engagement activities are on-going and will continue until the end of the project.
-The spill-over of actionable knowledge into practical tools for EIP on AHA and its Reference Sites.
-The roadmap to implement the change and boost the scale-up.
-The Investment strategy.

The work of the project has been carried out in two yearly periods. During 2021 we have organised 21 events with more than 1260 participants and with more than 760 views of the event recordings after the project. Beside workshops we have organised 17 different feedback activities (focus groups, interviews, surveys, questionnaires, scale up program) with 490 participants. The database of AHA stakeholders was created by the end of 2021 we developed a database with 500 active stakeholders.The aim was to increase the number of our direct info receivers and eventually by the end of the project support the transition of the stakeholders to Futurium as the AHA community platform supported by EC (European Commission). During 2021 Consortium partners made more than 680 post in social media (FB, LinkedIn, Twitter), on webpage/subpages, campaigns, newsletters. Representatives of partners took part as speakers or contributors of 15 other event, workshop, conference, and meeting to attract wider public and introduce the IN-4-AHA project activities (open call, testing activity, scale up program, data management activities). During 2022 we have organised 24 different workshops and webinars, including the project's Final Conference. These events gathered more than 798 registrants for the webinars and workshops and more than 442 views of the events recordings, in addition the Final Conference reached more than 200 registered participants on-site and online and more than 330 views of the events on YouTube. In addition to the workshops and webinars we have organised and carried out 30 other activities and events to collect input and feedback, reaching more than 400 people. The database of IN-4-AHA finally reached 771 stakeholders. In December 2022 the database members were redirected towards the Futurium AHA platform.
The output dissemination was carried out through the 2022 and especially during the final months. Consortium partners have taken place as speakers or contributors in 26 events organised by other organisations all over the Europe to support the exploitation of the scale-up model and other tools and guidelines created.

Main activities were carried out through 7 work packages: stakeholder engagement through monthly webinars, workshops and think-thanks. Co-creation of the innovation scale-up model and roadmap through participatory workshops and feedback, additional results are participatory design process toolkit, private-public collaboration methods and good practices, living lab testing and scale-up playbook, a report on mapping of accessibility and adoption of services and products including a Person-Centred Approach Measurement Tool, Twinning activity overview report, review of evaluation tools in AHA network has been provided, practical data governance guidelines and evaluation toolbox, investment readiness assessment of the AHA marker including checklist for start-ups preparing to raise investment, overview of the investment implementation report and the long-term investment plan, policy recommendations published. All project results, outcomes, recordings of the events have been made available for AHA stakeholders.
We can conclude at this stage that the project has been successful as all outcomes of the project have been delivered, targets for specific work packages achieved, all deliverables disseminated to the stakeholders and potential users. Several practical tools for scaling up new solutions have been made available for the public use, these tools have been shared with different networks, alliances, Reference Site network. The engagement of stakeholders have taken place on multiple levels directly (meetings, webinars, workshops, events and indirectly (IN-4-AHA social media, database, Futurium, partners social media, webpages, newsletters). The project has made its contribution within the active and healthy ageing domain, the wider impact comes from direct outcomes that guide and help with the practical activities related to the scaling-up of innovations which eventually influence the rate of scaled innovations into markets and to end users and further improve wellbeing of the ageing population.
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