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Remote Rehabilitation Service for Isolated Areas

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ROSIA (Remote Rehabilitation Service for Isolated Areas)

Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2022-02-28

Health and care systems in Europe are facing the rising burden of chronic conditions, while resources remain limited and it creates a continuously increasing demand for services such as rehabilitation,challenging health and care systems in Europe. Rehabilitation is a key component of care, treatment and support for many patients living with particular pathologies such as neurological, cardiac, respiratory and orthopaedic conditions. This situation is intensified in depopulated and/or isolated areas where there is often a higher proportion of elderly people who need to cover long distances to access some of the health and care services they need.

Users often must travel to a specialist centre far from their homes to access rehabilitation services. When a user requires assistance with transport such as an ambulance, the inconvenience to the users and their family is exacerbated with the result that some users do not complete the rehabilitation programme and their recovery is suboptimal, as they are unable to transition to the self-directed complementary exercise therapy that sustains the rehabilitation improvements.
The appearance of new disruptive technologies has allowed the development of devices and applications capable of accompanying people in their rehabilitation process, proposing exercises in gamified environments, supervising their execution, correcting, and motivating the user. ROSIA project seeks to take full advantage of these developments for the benefit of users, enabling more people to receive rehabilitation services and increase the rehabilitation period through the extensive use of these disruptive technologies together with the supervision and support of their care team members, initially focusing on a limited number of pathologies and their specific requirements.

ROSIA will empower patients to continue their rehabilitation treatment at their own home, supported by cutting-edge technology, new care pathways and community activities.
ROSIA model has 5 key work areas: 1 support the implementation of an integrated model of care to care continuity for patients, 2 high-tech telerehabilitation devices and services, 3 smart and secure use of health and personal data, 4 improved patient experience and 5 sustainable value-based business modelling.
The ecosystem’s development should enable the flexible implementation of a value-based and integrated-care model, enable data-driven intervention and the seamless integration of third-party solutions.

What are the overall objectives of the project?

1. Make available to the telerehabilitation market disruptive technological solutions for self‐management, addressing the current and future public health and care needs in this field.
2. Enable data driven insight interventions for self‐management, tailored to the patient’s needs and context.
3. Implement a flexible model to build personalized integrated care pathways and procedures to support the patient in self‐management and redesign the rehabilitation services to include an effective tele‐care and proximity element.
4. Strengthen the role of the community to support the multidimensional needs of the individual.
5. To empower patients and/or families to become as self‐reliant as possible in their own health, supported through all the necessary educational, motivational, and technological resources.
6. To validate and generate evidence of value of each of the components of the telerehabilitation model, from the clinical outcomes, economical, and patient experience, and workforce satisfaction perspectives.
7. To create an open platform, including a governance model, designed and configured to deliver the features and functionality described above.
8. To generate a business model which guarantees the long‐term sustainability of ROSIA care model both for public buyers and providers.
9. To increase the overall patient experience and preserve dignity.
3 closely related work packages were completed within this first periodic report period; WP 2 (Remote Rehabilitation Model Design), WP3 (Market development & engagement) and WP4 (PCP Preparation). These three intermingled work packages were intended to develop the necessary knowledge to address the ROSIA challenge in a co‐creation process and to integrate results into the EU PCP templates to produce and validate the call for tender documents, procedures and issue the PCP call after the EU Commission approval. The main objectives were to develop a unified vision of the ROSIA telerehabilitation model and the unmet needs by combining the expertise of the knowledge partners (top‐down) and the needs and wills of the local ecosystems in each procurer location (bottom‐up) in a co‐creation process with continuous dialog with all stakeholders. The ROSIA model generated after these iterations was built on top of the updated state‐of‐the‐art in technology, integrated care and value‐based healthcare models. In parallel to that, the engagement of potential bidders to the tender was assured through activities designed for participation and co-creation (Open Market Consultation, Pre-OMC events, matchmaking tool on the ROSIA website). This iteration with the market together with the perspective of the involved stakeholders and all ROSIA partners favoured the refinement of the ROSIA model contributing to build‐up the final vision (ROSIA Model 2.0). This final version of ROSIA was used to create the common needs, business case and evaluation framework to be incorporated to the call for tender documents (ROSIA challenge brief, contract notice, invitation to tender, procurement contracts, FAQs).
Project coordination and quality control (WP1), Dissemination and exploitation activities (WP7) and Ethical issues (WP8) are cross‐cutting activities taking place across the whole project lifecycle.
ROSIA aims at creating a catalogue of technology-based products and solutions that can be prescribed for the targeted conditions. Currently many innovative digital solutions have not yet reached the market because there are no efficient ways to enable the commercialization of such products. This catalogue will be one of the components of ROSIA ecosystem working in two ways: making available high-tech innovations validated with positive clinical evidence and impact to users and opening opportunities to the European industry.

ROSIA project is willing to unlock the telerehabilitation market by purchasing the development of a technological innovation ecosystem, enabling service providers to provide telerehabilitation, and self-management & self-care of rehabilitation at home, at scale.

ROSIA addresses a need not currently covered by existing solutions, with the aim of a future scale up using a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) approach.

Further interventions will be needed, at political level, to include procedures for prescribing ROSIA digital services into the clinical practice in the participant regions for scaling-up. To do so, the generation of evidence in the field will prove that the ROSIA model really works and will encourage other regions to integrate into their healthcare services the ROSIA innovation ecosystem. This will activate a domino effect in the industry generating critical mass around the ROSIA innovation ecosystem.