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Molecular materials for a new generation of artificial muscles

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - E-MOTION (Molecular materials for a new generation of artificial muscles)

Reporting period: 2021-10-01 to 2023-03-31

Actuator devices converting energy into motion are a fundamental part of everyday life. However, there is currently an unmet need in actuation technologies to provide soft, smooth, noiseless movement that can mimic human motion and dexterity. The development of such “artificial muscles” is burgeoning in both interest and importance as it would enable significant advances in areas as important as robotics, medicine and aeronautics. To enable a step-change in this field, E·MOTION proposes to develop unprecedented macroscopic-scale soft materials based on switchable spin crossover molecules with remarkable actuating performances. Using an innovative combination of material engineering methods these materials will be endowed with electrical actuation, self-sensing and energy harvesting properties, which will be a major breakthrough. More fundamentally, E·MOTION aims at understanding in-depth structure vs. mechanical property relationships in these switchable materials, which is essential for processing and optimizing their function. A multiscale experimental and theoretical approach will be used to assess how the molecular deformation and change in molecular connectivity under external stimuli affect macroscopic mechanical properties as well as the cycle life. Finally, E·MOTION will take a major shift on the side of actuator design by the development of original fibre-braided actuators as well as 3D-printed, microfluidic actuator devices made of these materials. These advanced actuator designs will then be thoroughly analysed for their ability to mimic complex muscular schemes.
The main achievements of the project during the first reporting period are as follows:

- We have successfully fabricated and characterized a series of spin crossover polymer composites with oriented, size- and shape-controlled spin-crossover particles, using mostly ferrous triazole complexes, providing us the necessary samples to fabricate actuator devices.

- We have synthesized a series of unprecedented compounds, which combine SCO-active and electroactive properties

- We fabricated various spin crossover based composite materials using different electroactive polymer matrices, including piezopolymers and conducting polymers, and investigated the electromechanical couplings between the constituents.

- We analyzed structure - mechanical property relationships in bulk spin crossoover materials using variable temperature and pressure x-ray diffraction and nanoindentation techniques, combined with Molecular Dynamics simulations - providing us the necessary inputs to start working towards effective actuator designs.

- We conducted a deep experimental and theoretical analysis of the mechanical properties of the iron-triazole based SCO composites, providing us the necessary tools to start working towards effective actuator designs.

- We fabricated a series of bending actuators, which were characterized using a custom-built bench for their key figures-of-merit.

- We have embarked in the design (by means of finite element analysis) and fabrication (by means of 3D printing) of more complex actuator concepts.
The possibility of harnessing useful work from bistable molecular switches has inspired many scientists in the past two decades and led to the development of hundreds of “molecular machines” with a remarkable degree of sophistication. Yet, the integration of “molecular switches” into functional devices has remained in its infancy. In this context, the E-MOTION project aims to go beyond the state of the art by:

- Transform weak forces of individual molecules into a much greater muscle-like contraction force in soft, macroscopic, molecule-based actuator devices.

- Uncovering the intra- and inter-molecular processes that underlie the generation of mechanical response.

- Working towards a proper interfacing of the molecules with their environment to produce useful work and to enable external control.

- Endowing the molecule-based actuators with numerous advanced functionalities, such as camouflage, bistability, chemical actuation, self-sensing and self-regulation.

- Develop solutions for demanding applications in lightweight robots, human assist devices, microfluidic systems and smart textiles.