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Negotiating World Research Data: A science diplomacy study

Description du projet

Explorer les origines des systèmes mondiaux d’échange de données scientifiques

La science s’appuie sur des structures mondiales pour échanger des données dont les origines et la configuration demeurent largement inconnues. Le projet NEWORLDatA, financé par l’UE, façonnera une collaboration unique entre des centres de recherche en Europe et au-delà afin de révéler l’histoire de ces systèmes, grâce à une combinaison unique de perspectives des relations internationales et de l’histoire des sciences. En cartographiant les modèles de réseau d’hier, le projet exposera d’abord au grand jour les déséquilibres au niveau de la distribution des données, en particulier entre les pays des hémisphères nord et sud. En outre, il identifiera les infrastructures juridiques internationales qui favorisent cette distribution inégale des données. Enfin, NEWORLDatA dévoilera les exercices de diplomatie scientifique qui ont façonné le système mondial d’échange de données scientifiques actuel.


Research data are vital components of any scientific enterprise and the introduction of more inclusive world data exchange practices is a decisive factor, locally and globally, in strengthening capacity for research and innovation and tackling societal challenges. Yet we now comparatively little about what international negotiations have paved the way to the current global system of research data circulation and exchange. NEWORLD@A aims to provide the first comprehensive survey about the sets of science diplomacy exercises that have contributed to shape the current world data exchange system. This study will pioneer transnational research collaborations in order to successfully reconstruct these key historical transitions, also enmeshing non-Western narratives in the study of research data negotiations. Through an original combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, the study will first map existing networking patterns of data circulation and reveal existing imbalances in the world distribution of research data centres. It will then chart the international legal infrastructure that supports this distribution. It will also identify the historical determinants for the shape of world data exchange networks through an investigation of relevant archival documents across the world discussing the relevant negotiations and decision-making processes. They study will focus in particular on interactions between: non-governmental and governmental transnational organizations such as those under the aegis of ICSU and UNESCO; Western and Eastern blocs in the context of the Cold War science race; and Global North and South nations in the uses of research data for development purposes. Shedding new light on how these interactions have shaped the current research data circulation system will finally provide the analysis needed to inform current policy provisions on how to make these systems more inclusive and responsive to global challenges.

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.

Régime de financement

ERC-ADG - Advanced Grant

Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 543 852,25
M13 9PL Manchester

Voir sur la carte

North West (England) Greater Manchester Manchester
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 543 852,25

Bénéficiaires (11)