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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

PROactive Strategies and Policies for Energy Citizenship Transformation


Report on the international expert workshop

This deliverable contains the proceedings of the international expert workshop communicated in concise form as a blog The report draws out main conclusions challenging analyses validations and critiques on the EnergyPROSPECTS conceptualization as inputs for its consolidation

Case study data collection methodology (including list of cases for in-depth study)

Document including the methodology developed collaboratively in EnergyPROSPECTS for indepth study of energy citizenship The document will include the criteria used for selecting the cases for indepth study the list of cases selected for indepth study as well as a copy of the data collection template

Conceptual framework energy citizenship

This deliverable describes the conceptual framework on energy citizenship It will lay down the key definitions theoretical underpinnings and social constructions of the required systematic energy citizenship understanding The conceptual framework will disclose the diversity of more and less active energy citizenship forms identifying the main distinctions brought forward in the stateoftheart of social innovation and transitions political science sociology energy studies social psychology geography and critical social theory This also involves elaboration of the different understandings of the energy systems that energy citizenship can be taken to refer to

The influence of remote and proximate conditions for energy citizenship outcomes

The deliverable reports on the QCA analysis in Task 43 relating to the influence of remote and proximate conditions for energy citizenship outcomes

Catalogue of energy citizenship cases and typologies

Document including the list and brief description of 500 energy citizenship cases catalogued in EnergyPROSPECTS The document also provides the typologies developed with the description of typology categories The catalogue will also be made available as a searchable online database

Report on regional workshops

This report integrates the proceedings of the four regional workshops in task 23 Apart from informing the further development and deepening of the conceptual energy citizenship typology D22 the workshop proceedings will be communicated through a series of blogs on the EnergyPROSPECTS website

Analytical report on PESTEL factors in the EU context

The report will present the detailed analysis of the EU context and explain the major political economic social technological environmental and legal conditions that shape the emergence manifestations and transformations of energy citizenship The report will serve as the reference point for the energy citizenship as observed in different national and local contexts

Strategic collective system building activities and institutional change

This deliverable reports on the role of energy citizenship in strategic collective system building activities and institutional change

Analytical report on PESTEL factors in the national and local context

This deliverable will incorporate nine national analytical reports explaining the political economic social technological environmental and legal conditions in which energy citizenship has developed in nine partner countries This comprehensive report will juxtapose the national contexts against the common EU frame and outline the countryspecific conditions that appear to either support or hinder the development of active energy citizenship

Training package and guidelines for in-depth data collection methodology

The training package will provide an introduction to the methodology as well as describe it step by step for users of the methodology It will also include instructions and tips for using the methodology

The role of ICT platforms in shaping energy citizenship

This deliverable provides a report on the role of ICT platforms in shaping communitylevel selfconsumption demand response and P2P energy trading within energy communities

Methodology for meta-analysis of energy citizenship

Document summarising the methodology used for reviewing energy citizenship including details of the data collection tool

Conceptual typology

This deliverable elaborates the fundamentals of the conceptual framework D21 into a conceptual typology The deliverable elaborates systematizes and operationalises the key conceptual distinctions into empirical observables and examples analytical categories and sensitising concepts for further empirical analyses WP36 and for activities in dissemination WPs 1 and 7 This second stage in conceptualization ensures that the conceptual framework provides sufficient foothold for the development of empirically grounded typologies and for application throughout the project analysis in thematic work packages but also policy advice and dissemination activities

Research ethics guidelines

Document summarising the research ethics guidelines specifically developed for case study research work in EnergyPROSPECTS.

Project website

An interactive easytouse and intuitive project website which will play a key role in the project and reaching the target groups defined by the dissemination and communication plan

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