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Smartness to existing Buildings

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SMART2B (Smartness to existing Buildings)

Période du rapport: 2021-09-01 au 2023-02-28

Smart2B is a project funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme which main ambitious goal is to put citizens, building users and owners, and energy communities at the heart of the building energy transition. Through the creation of a smart building system consisting of devices, a platform and services that will interact both with the building occupants and the grid in real-time, to improve energy efficiency and untap local flexibility. This approach will transform the existing EU building stock into and interconnected active element of the energy system by upgrading to higher smartness levels the existing building equipment, individual buildings and entire building blocks.
The smart building system conceived within the Smart2B project consists of: devices, which will allow the seamless connection of heterogeneous building energy systems, including not-yet-connected devices and legacy appliances; a platform, that serves as the middle layer of the system that enables integration, knowledge extraction and control; services, which are tools based on AI and machine learning algorithms that can be used to analyze and prepare the building and user data collected from the devices, consolidating and optimizing the various Smart2B objectives.
With Smart2B, building occupants will become an active element of the energy system: users will in fact be able to control the system according to their current needs and interact with the grid in real-time. This combination of social and technological innovation will be greatly based on human-computer interaction and will embrace several components such as interactive feedback, visualization, gamification, etc. In the end, the engagement of building occupants will be crucial to improve the energy system flexibility and its efficiency.
During the First periodic report Smart2B is in line with the predicted project management plan and no major deviations were detected, resulting in the submission of 32 deliverables (WP1-10) and reached 6 main milestones.
In addition, the majority of pilots(4 out of 5) were already ready for the demonstration phase, and the services are being adapted to wich one of the pilot sites, in order to allow a " full" pilot phase in September in the 5 pilot sites.
Regarding the exploitation of the project, in the first 18M, the initial business plan was defined , the 1st version of Exploitation plan (D7.5) was also submitted, including the identification of 23 KERs. In addition, 1:1 interviews were carried out in order to select the most relevant and competitive KERs. Finally, in the scope of task 7.1 , based on the KERs identified, two self-assessment surveys were made in order to analyze the regulatory/institutional barriers and enablers, opportunities for patent applications and of compliance with other devices on the market. During the 1st reporting period, the activities planned which will lead to the final version of the exploitation plan progressed according to the project management plan (chapter 1) with no relevant deviations.

Smart2B communication and dissemination (C&D) activities have been carried out according to the plan set out during the first period.Throughout the first reporting period of the project, the C&D activities enhanced awareness and stakeholders engagement through events and workshops organized and attended by the partners, joint cooperation with EU4BET cluster as well as other sister projects, and by executing dedicated awareness-raising and engaging social media campaigns through Smart2B social networks.

In resume, the Smart2B Consortium considers the project is on track according to the plan, without any outstanding problems affecting its normal execution and is successfully starting the last 18M of its execution.
Developement of a community-enabled smart readiness platform adopting a user-centred holistic approach to provide standardized generic interfaces and APIs, creating an open market for developing effective smart energy management services for buildings. The user is guided by custom visualizations and gamification services to behave in a resource-efficient way.

Development and integration of advanced building energy management control algorithms, via transparent access to the control of IoT upgraded equipment integrated with current smart appliances, and by providing access to knowledge on the user/building behaviour and on building energy performance. By using the proposed building smart performance assessment and advisor as well as user/building
behaviour services, it will be possible to access the potential of building energy systems in terms of optimal control and demand side management. The unexploited but proven potentials of data-driven control strategies are thus exploited for very different systems and demonstrated under real conditions.

Development of a unified cybersecurity by-design cross layer to provide secure end-to-end communications, data privacy-preserving, services access control and user policies management. To achieve that, EAP-based authentication and secure Internet protocols (i.e. TLS, DTLS) will be integrated to provide end-to-end protection. SMART2B will integrate novel outcomes from ANASTACIA project to develop attribute-based access control and efficient privacy-preserving for protected data sharing among multi-systems and parties. To prevent and predict security risks and breaches, security modelling techniques and IETF MUD (Manufacturer Usage Description) are integrated to detect suspicious communications and behaviors of digital systems and IoT devices.

Development of a platform layer abstracting the existing concepts, that integrates existing BMSs as well as smart and legacy equipment, and provides a standardized interface and API for the grid, service providers, and end users. In addition to cloud-based intelligence, on-board intelligence in building automation devices is used to improve performance during downtime. The interoperability of smart devices and legacy equipment will also be addressed through cost-effective solutions of IoT gateways, home assistants. The proposed framework thus has the potential to enable a high level of comfort and data availability to end-users and energy service providers by bringing direct insights from the SRI methodology. It enables standardized integration (i.e. IDS, NGSI, SAREF) and testing of innovative optimization and DR methods. Through technical upgrades and non invasive incentive systems, the potential of legacy equipment, sensors and actuators is exploited.

Development of new, innovative business models that use the community-enabled smart readiness platform to trigger new ways of interaction and cooperation between the various stakeholders. The new business models are targeted at both residential and commercial clients. By bridging the gap between them and other stakeholders, integrative business models that generate a common added value are promoted. The modular approach of the technical solutions enables the sale of the proposed products namely the SMART2B devices and actuators, the platform and the services via an X-as-a-service financial model for customers, appliance manufacturers or energy service providers in various levels of service (XL-, L-, M-tariff) to drastically reduce the barrier for market entry.