Description du projet
Un réseau de «leaders climatiques» pour la neutralité carbone
Le projet REMARKABLE, financé par l’UE, aidera les dirigeants locaux de sept régions d’Europe à traduire les aspirations stratégiques et les politiques en mesures concrètes en vue de la neutralité carbone à l’horizon 2050. La première étape du projet consiste à mettre en place un réseau de 320 leaders climatiques actuels et émergents d’ici 2024. Ces leaders aideront les autorités locales, les communautés et les régions à transformer leurs méthodes d’efficacité énergétique et d’énergies renouvelables pour atteindre l’objectif stratégique de neutralité climatique. REMARKABLE renforcera les capacités de leadership de 120 acteurs de sept pays par le biais d’un programme de leadership climatique, appuiera l’établissement de 60 feuilles de route pour les leaders climatiques et développera un outil de contrôle du climat et de l’énergie ainsi qu’un guide de feuille de route pour la neutralité climatique.
REMARKABLE will support local leaders to deliver a step change in progress towards carbon neutrality by 2050 in 7 regions across Europe. REMARKABLE will establish, by 2024, a network of 320 Current and Emerging Climate Leaders who, through their actions and inspiration, will drive their municipalities, public authorities, communities and regions to transform their approaches from ones focused on energy efficiency/renewables to ones focused on the strategic goal of climate neutrality by 2050.
REMARKABLE will build new leadership capacity in 120 actors from 7 countries in Europe though a Climate Leadership Programme (CLP). The CLP will be inspired by ethnographic research and will be designed with and for leaders across public authorities. The REMARKABLE CLP will also facilitate the creation of 60 Roadmaps for public authorities aiming at Climate Neutrality by 2050. These Roadmaps will allow our Climate Leaders to translate strategic aspirations and policy ambitions into concrete and disruptive far reaching measures stimulating €300m investment by 2030. A Climate and Energy Check Tool will be developed and tested along with a Climate Neutrality Roadmap Guide.
The 7 Regional Energy Agencies involved in REMARKABLE will develop 14 new services to expand their roles as change agents in the Clean Energy Transition and Climate Neutrality challenges. Climate Neutrality Training, Climate One Stop Shops, Financing Solutions are targeted as potential services.
REMARKABLE will exploit its outcomes and results through the creation of an EU Climate Leaders Circle, reaching up to 320 members by 2024 including 30 from 7 Observer Regions/Countries. An innovative Climate Neutrality Challenge will be organised for Young Climate Leaders. The REMARKABLE Circle will create synergies with existing networks and initiatives e.g. COMO, ManagEnergy to support and enhance their impacts with the ambition of mobilising 10,000 stakeholders by 2030 (2,000 by 2024)
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinateur
V94 EC5T Limerick