Descripción del proyecto
Estudio de la ética y los datos masivos sobre las restricciones a los desplazamientos humanos
Las cuestiones sobre la migración humana y las restricciones al tránsito fronterizo han dominado los debates públicos, políticos y académicos en los últimos treinta años. Estos temas han cobrado incluso mayor importancia debido a las restricciones por la pandemia de COVID-19 sobre el tráfico fronterizo y otros tipos de desplazamiento humano, pero carecen de investigaciones científicas, éticas y filosóficas. Para subsanar esta deficiencia, el proyecto JUSMOVE, financiado con fondos europeos, establecerá una «teoría de movimiento justo» filosófica pionera. Proporcionará al debate académico una nueva teoría, una metodología, una ética estricta y una filosofía combinadas con avances de datos masivos, con el objetivo de superar la dicotomía de fronteras «abiertas» frente a fronteras «cerradas» presente en los debates políticos y sociales, a la vez que se sustentará en un marco conceptual que trate de aportar información para un cambio positivo en la formulación de políticas.
Should the movement of people across borders be restricted? Should it be permitted? Should it be promoted? These
questions are ubiquitous in daily discourse in our societies, politics and academia, and became subject of an increasing amount of policies regulating movement during the present COVID-19 health crisis. JUSMOVE is a pioneering philosophical
project on human movement attempting to answer these fundamental questions, suggesting that a comprehensive study on
human movement is highly significant for how we will answer. What is the value of movement for a contemporary person?
And according to which conception of just movement should movement be restricted, protected or promoted? JUSMOVE will
establish the grounds for a Just Theory of Movement that overcomes the underlined dichotomous view opposing ‘closed’ to
‘open’ borders and, in turn, societal trends, which presently contributes to the highly polarized debate on migration and mobility.
JUSMOVE’s potential impact is fourfold: first, it contributes to the scholarly debate with a novel theory; secondly it proposes
an experimental methodology, by combining tools from rigorous ethics and philosophy with potent big data, which lays the
grounds for novel cross-disciplinary cooperation; thirdly, it informs the debate of the main stakeholders and decision-makers,
such as the European Commission (EC); while also lastly aiming at influencing public debates. JUSMOVE aims to propose a
paradigmatic conceptual twist to nearly thirty years of contemporary philosophical debate around migration and states borders, with
substantial implications for existing views and for policy making.
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinador
08002 Barcelona