CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Magnetism, Berry-curvature engineering and topology in chalcogenide superlattices and heterostructures

Descripción del proyecto

Estructuras topológicas basadas en superredes de calcogenuro

El proyecto MagTopCSL, financiado por las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie, tiene como objetivo investigar las superredes y las heteroestructuras de materiales de calcogenuro que se utilizarán como plataformas en dispositivos topológicos. Para lograrlo, se estudiarán las superredes creadas mediante la superposición de capas dobles y simples de dicalcogenuros de metales de transición con un conjunto periódico de adátomos magnéticos en diversas configuraciones. Además, el proyecto investigará heteroestructuras multicapa de monocalcogenuros del grupo II. La interacción entre las estructuras electrónicas subyacentes y las configuraciones y los ingredientes de superestructuras podrían llevar a nuevas fases Hall con propiedades sumamente alteradas.


I will explore superlattices and heterostructures in chalcogenide materials as a platform for Berry-curvature engineering and topological devices. To this end, I will study superlattices created by superimposing single- and bilayers of transition-metal dichalcogenides with periodic arrays of magnetic adatoms in various configurations. Moreover, I will study multilayer heterostructures of group-II monochalcogenides with a compositional gradient across layers. The interplay of the underlying electronic structures with the ingredients and configurations of the superstructures is envisioned to lead to new phases with highly altered properties. I will study this interplay theoretically with a focus on three main objectives: (i) designing quantum anomalous Hall phases with large Chern numbers, which is highly relevant for electronic devices with low-power consumption; (ii) realizing topological superconductors as a platform for Majorana quasiparticles, which hold potential for exotic nonlocal phenomena and quantum computers; and (iii) realizing stable intertwined order in a 3D material with flat energy bands, a research direction I will pioneer with this project.

I will model the proposed setups numerically using low-energy tight-binding models of the materials. The models will be constructed in close collaboration with experimentalists and DFT experts at the host institution MagTop within IF PAN. I will calculate Berry curvature, topological invariants, magnetic order, phase diagrams, and signatures of the emerging phases with regard to charge, spin, and thermal transport. The code used for the calculation of these quantities will be implemented as a software package, which I will utilize and develop during this project. My investigations will provide concrete guidelines for accompanying experimental studies at MagTop. In this way, the outcomes of my project will lay the foundation for tunable topological devices based on chalcogenide superlattices and heterostructures.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 137 625,60
02 668 Warszawa

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Makroregion województwo mazowieckie Warszawski stołeczny Miasto Warszawa
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 137 625,60