Description du projet
Étudier la base génétique de la synchronisation des flux migratoires du saumon
La migration du saumon de l’Atlantique (Salmo salar) depuis la rivière où il est né jusqu’à sa zone d’alimentation marine, et vice-versa, constitue un exemple emblématique des mouvements saisonniers d’une espèce. Le projet SAL-MOVE, financé par l’UE, réunira les ensembles de données existants et s’appuiera sur une analyse génomique de pointe pour déterminer les effets environnementaux et la base génétique du déclenchement de la migration des saumons de l’Atlantique. Les résultats obtenus seront combinés à des scénarios climatiques futurs dans le cadre d’une modélisation éco-évolutive, afin de prédire de quelle manière les populations de saumon atlantique seront affectées par les changements anthropiques via leurs phénotypes et génotypes de migration. Les résultats de SAL-MOVE serviront directement à la mise en place de mesures de gestion visant à améliorer la sécurité du saumon atlantique sauvage.
As the global environment changes, species are increasingly suffering mismatches between their seasonally timed movements and the conditions that they encounter. The long-distance migrations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from their natal rivers to their marine feeding grounds and back again are a charismatic example of such seasonally timed movements. The timings of both the outward and return migrations are heritable, and vary substantially within and among populations, likely reflecting selection to enter the marine environment when survival conditions are optimal and return to the freshwater when breeding success is maximized. Importantly, salmon cannot observe the conditions at their destination and must rely on proximate cues, in particular photoperiod, to schedule their migration. Globally, salmon migrations have advanced over recent decades, suggesting that phenological mismatch could be a factor in ongoing Atlantic salmon declines.
How and whether a species can adjust its migratory timing to match new conditions depends on the underlying genetic architecture of this timing. SAL-MOVE will establish a global collaborative network of salmon researchers, collate existing datasets, and apply state-of-the-art genomic analysis to characterize the environmental correlates and genetic basis of Atlantic salmon migration timing throughout its range. This information will be combined with future climate scenarios in an eco-evolutionary modelling framework to predict how Atlantic salmon populations will be impacted by anthropogenic change via their migration phenotypes and genotypes. Results from SAL-MOVE will be used to directly guide management actions intended to increase the security of wild Atlantic salmon.
Régime de financement
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinateur