Project description
Trained brains for brain health
The worldwide population is not getting younger. It’s ageing and putting our healthcare systems under pressure to cope with age-related diseases. In Europe, there’s a need for innovation, knowledge and experts who able to prompt significant changes in order to improve prediction, early diagnosis and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases with the priority to ensure brain health throughout life. In this direction, the EU-funded Neuro-Innovation project will establish a doctoral programme of training of new international experts who will become future leaders in research on brain health innovation. It will be focused on neuro-innovation, impact and neuro-ethics, combining knowledge of neurosciences, innovative management, social sciences and others to ensure a wide range of transferable skills.
The Neuro-Innovation doctoral programme is a new, globally unique effort to train international experts who are wanted in the European job market and future research leaders in brain health innovation. These experts will learn to solve innovation-related questions in personalized medicine that focuses on the prediction, prevention and early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases and epilepsy. They will have skills to develop novel treatments and commercialize their research results in the form of new technologies, models, and methods in the European and global markets. Health care is globally faced with a growing burden of major age-associated diseases. Neuro-innovation and impact as well as neuro-ethics are needed to survive these challenges and maintain brain health throughout life. This will be gained by offering world class research-oriented PhD training that combines neurosciences with innovation management, social sciences and law, and computer science and applied physics. In depth substance knowledge and methodology training will be topped up with well-planned transferable skills curricula providing the graduates with skills needed in changing career paths after their initial researcher training. Other means to achieve training goals include well-planned mobility periods to international research environments of partner universities, meaningful secondments with companies, and frequent exposure to intersectoral activities in training. The Neuro-Innovation doctoral programme will take the researcher training to the next level in terms of research excellence developed within two regional health innovation ecosystems that benefits both parties. The Neuro-Innovation programme will create critical mass for a new talent hub for university-industry collaboration. Several measures will be taken to attract female and minority candidates, and applicants from new EU countries and those that do not have strong PhD training in the research filed of this programme.
70211 KUOPIO