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acouStIc metamateriaL for MRI noisE caNCEllation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SILENCE (acouStIc metamateriaL for MRI noisE caNCEllation)

Période du rapport: 2021-10-01 au 2022-09-30

Our main objective is commercial. During this project, we aimed to conduct an in-depth analysis of the market for MRI scanners acoustic noise reduction solutions and develop a strategy to be competitive.

The market analysis is an essential part to position our technology on the European and global markets, to identify and get in contact with main stakeholders in the MRI world. By analysing the competition and refining our knowledge of the end-users and clients’ needs, we have been able to prepare the launching ramp for a disruptive device that would be adopted by research centres, hospitals, and, hopefully, by manufacturers such as Philips, Siemens, or Canon, among others. To this end, we have established a marketing strategy to stand out in the market and to initiate a communication process to make key people in the MRI world aware of our innovative idea.

From a technical point of view, the numerical proof of our concept, developed in the FET-Open BOHEME project, provided to our idea a current Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 3. We have performed the needed and relevant noise measurements in SILENCE, in order to remove the technical impediments and allow the research in BOHEME to continue to increase the TRL of this technology.

Our ultimate goal is to bring this acoustic shielding device to market. The objectives in this project related to the market study are a fundamental step in the marketing process, and the technical part, complementary to the FET-Open BOHEME research results, enabling progress to be made in the design. The cancellation of acoustic noise can directly improve the patient's comfort during an MRI diagnosis, which is a crucial need shared with us by several Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) leading MRI centres throughout Europe. In the longer term, the OEM producing a fully silent MRI would have a crucial asset that could clearly propel it as a leader on the market.

From a societal point of view, it is clear that the cancellation of acoustic noise can directly improve the patient's comfort during an MRI diagnosis. The improvement of the patients' comfort by a reduction or cancellation of the
MRI noise is a crucial need already shared with us by several Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) leading MRI centers throughout Europe. It will directly solve the problems of verbal communication with doctors, the risk of hearing
impairment, and remove the patients' stress caused by a loud noise currently tackled by uncomfortable and insufficient existing solutions (earphones, quiet gradient coils, etc.). In the longer term, the OEM producing a
fully silent MRI would have a crucial asset that could clearly propel it as a leader on the market.
WP1 : We have performed a tailored market analysis by defining, understanding, and targeting the precise needs and technical specifications of potential customers and users. The objective was to prospect, obtain information, details, and initiate communication with MRI experts.
To complete the market study, a list of competitors in the MRI acoustic noise reduction market has been drawn up. In addition to acoustic shielding, many noise cancellation techniques exist to attempt to solve the problem of acoustic noise in MRI: we identified which ones are on the market and how to challenge them. To meet our goals, we have implemented an analysis of the market trends and defined the market shares and business segments to be targeted.

We have also established a marketing strategy to stand out in the market. We are setting a price for the device that is realistic in relation to the market, attractive and profitable for Multiwave Technologies. We also anticipated the regulation milestones or approvals needed for a potential commercialization such as CE marking (to determine the class category of a medical device).

Finally, we have implemented the communication process by creating a striking logo to give a visual identity to our device, as well as a webpage, in order to facilitate interactions to do business.

WP2: To reach our goal, the first step was to define and elaborate the type of experiment needed to measure the acoustic noise (in dB level, Sound Pressure Level (SPL), spectrum, etc.), for different MRI scanners types, configurations, sequences. This was followed by contacting laboratories / clinics where it was possible to perform these tests. We explored several possibilities, such as at the CNRS in Lille, France, or in a private clinic in Turin, Italy. But the most suitable one, the one we finally opted for, was at the CRMBM laboratory, located at La Timone hospital in Marseille, France.

Through teamwork, we benefited from the help of all partners, especially PoliTo who provided us with their expertise and acoustic measurement equipment to carry out this experiment. Using mainly two ½" pre-polarized free-field microphones (Type 4189 from B&K) for the measurement of the SPL generated in the MRI scanners, we performed several measurements of acoustic noise, on 1.5T 3T and 7T MRI, according to the specificities we had defined. The details of these measurements and the results obtained are described below in section 1.2.2.

As already mentioned, this will greatly help later in BOHEME, to find the specifications of the metamaterial to be designed to cancel the acoustic noise.

Main results achieved:

1- Study of the MRI acoustic noise reduction market: addressable market, growth rate, present and future market segmentation.
2- Analysis of the competition: detailed inspection of the existing solutions offered by competitors, their costs, benefits, and limitations.
3- Establishment of a marketing strategy by outlining how to position ourselves and stand out in the market, and by setting up the price of the MRI acoustic noise reduction device.
4- Creation of visual identity of the device: relevant logo and website.
5- Acoustic noise measurements in real MRI room (1.5 3T and 7T), to help in the design of the material solution that will continue to be developed in BOHEME FET-OPEN project (grant n°863179) to solve the noise problem.
SILENCE has carried out precedented measurement validations with state-of-the art pre-polarized free-field microphones in a real MRI environment at 1,5T, 3T and 7T, leading to promising results which will be the subject of a scientific publication.

SILENCE market study. Market and competition analysis, as well as MRI leading experts and technical operators interviewed confirmed the need for:
- A solution that reduces the noise, while keeping the same level of image quality
- An affordable solution that is compatible with existing equipment
- To reduce noise by at least 40 dB(A), especially for high fields such as 7T MRI
- An acoustic shield plugged to the MRI bore should not exceed 1-2 cm of thickness
- An a-magnetic and easy to plug solution

Finally, SILENCE proposes a marketing strategy, including a logo and a webpage, and a business model sized to the user needs. Key arguments such as the higher comfort, the patient throughput increase and the return on investment for hospitals will facilitate SILENCE penetration of the steadily growing market of MRI devices. A fair price and a subscription model will be adopted as a pricing policy to promote our product and make it accessible to all.