Description du projet
Réduire l’IRM au silence
L’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est une technologie d’imagerie largement utilisée qui associe un champ magnétique avec des ondes radio pour produire des images anatomiques du corps. Toutefois, le bruit acoustique durant l’IRM provoque un inconfort, des problèmes de communication et empêche la sédation efficace du patient. SILENCE, un projet financé par l’UE, entend réduire ce bruit acoustique lors de l’IRM via un écran acoustique. L’équipe réalisera une analyse de marché pour lancer sa technologie basée sur des métamatériaux. À long terme, l’objectif consiste à générer un dispositif révolutionnaire pouvant être déployé dans des centres de recherche, des hôpitaux et chez des fabricants pour améliorer le confort durant l’IRM.
This FET Innovation Launchpad SILENCE project is focused on a very promising innovation idea, based on FET-Open BOHEME project first and ongoing results: transform the concept of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) acoustic noise reduction into a commercial product. Acoustic noise during MRI is the main source for patient discomfort and leads to verbal communication problems, difficulties in sedation, and hearing impairment.
In SILENCE project, we propose to assess the economic potential of this original solution: improving the acoustic noise reduction by creating acoustic shielding using metamaterials.
We have opted for a two-part methodology. Our main goal in SILENCE is commercial. To do so, we will conduct an in-depth market analysis for MRI scanner noise reduction solutions that will enable us to position our technology on the European and global markets. By analysing the competition and refining our knowledge of the end-users and clients' needs, we will be able to prepare the launching ramp for a disruptive device that would be adopted by research centers, hospitals and manufacturers (Philips, Siemens, etc). We will establish a marketing strategy to stand out in the market and to initiate a communication process with potential clients to make them aware of SILENCE and our innovation idea.
A secondary component will consist on relevant acoustic noise measurements in real MRI environment. As a complement to a numerical software developed in BOHEME, we need to perform accurate measurements to get technical data about frequencies/amplitudes in MRI rooms, and to help after this project to design a functional prototype.
Our mid-term idea is to reach, through this project and future work intertwined with BOHEME: the conception of a device in order to obtain a higher rate of noise reduction than the existing solutions. In the longer term, the first MRI manufacturer able to sell a silent MRI would have a crucial asset to become a game-changer on the market.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinateur
1228 Plan-Les-Ouates
L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.