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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Climate Science from Space: Synergies for a greener innovation economy Conference

Resultado final

Presidency Conference

Setup the event concept and run the Conference. This task will build on a set of information generated by FCT and the Advisory Panel within WP2. This includes the conceptual idea of the panels, their architecture and recommended speakers. Based on this, a side exhibition in the vicinity of the event venue will be though and selected testimonials or distinguished innovative business ideas to be shown. In case of a virtual conference, an adapted format will be considered with including recorded success cases connected to research funded at EU or national levels.

Final report: highlights from the event, metrics and eventual lessons learnt

Report agreed by the event organising team sent, including the outcomes of each panel prepared by post-graduate students

Conference Concept

Designing the conference concept, namely the themes and format of the panels and the speaker's list.

Dissemination and Communication Strategy and Website

Designing an effective communication strategy considering the event’s objectives, targeted messages, promotional initiatives and reciprocal communication with stakeholders. The communication strategy will outline the dissemination tools available, the distinctive logo, the website, social media channels, brochure, roll-up banners, etc. Furthermore, the communication strategy will make sure that all the communication material is expressed in neutral gender language. The WP leader will setup and manage the web and social media presence, issue promotional materials and plan promotional initiatives.

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