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RE-EURECA-PRO – REsearch and innovation dimension of the European University on REsponsible Consumption And PROduction

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RE-EURECA-PRO (RE-EURECA-PRO – REsearch and innovation dimension of the European University on REsponsible Consumption And PROduction)

Período documentado: 2021-09-01 hasta 2023-02-28

The goal of EURECA-PRO is to implement the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 12, become a key player in social innovation, and accelerate the transformation of the European Higher Education Area. RE-EURECA-PRO supports the project’s research and innovation dimension in the field of responsible consumption and production. It aims to:
• develop a common research & innovation mindset and agenda
• establish clustering activities and action plans for pilots and case studies, involving stakeholders across society
• set up approaches for balanced brain circulation, gender equality and comprehensive open science practices
• develop a framework for joint innovation, research and infrastructure utilization
The work of RE-EURECA-PRO is divided into three Action Areas: ‘New European Open Research’ (WP 2,3,4), ‘New Human Capacity’ (WP 5 and 6), ‘New Shared Potential’ (WP 7 and 8).
The central function of Work Package 1: Project Management, Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation is to facilitate the joint work and communication processes between all consortium members. A number of key strategic documents were created during the reporting period, including an overview handbook that describes all roles and responsibilities; a communication, dissemination and exploitation plan; a mission statement and data management plan; as well as annual documentation on the status-quo of dissemination practices and project timing.
In Work Package 2: Citizen Engagement and Societal Knowledge the focus has been on creating visibility of research approaches and improving accessibility of project results for the general public. For this purpose, a strategy concept for knowledge transfer and citizen engagement has been developed and various science communication activities were carried out, such as Project Weeks for schools and Science Slams at all partner universities.
Work Package 3: European Research and Open Science Collaboration works towards eliminating barriers and uncertainties about interdisciplinary research cooperation across the alliance. Deliverables completed so far include a report on current models of cognitive and practical interdisciplinary collaboration and an appraisal of the origins of interdisciplinary mindsets and collaboration practices at the partner universities. A practical workshop offered the opportunity to explore current models of interdisciplinarity, share experiences, develop intercultural communication competencies, and consider best practices of research collaboration.
Work carried out in Work Package 4: Science and Innovation Based Life-Long Learning includes the promotion and adoption of the Humboldtian Model of Higher Education and the identification of a common strategy for innovative research for EURECA-PRO educators, researchers and students for science and innovation. One key deliverable offers a report on the relevance of EURECA-PRO’s research for contemporary social megatrends and highlights research methods and training tools for the design and set-up of research projects about sustainability.
Pilot actions carried out within Work Package 5: Life Long Career and Human Resource Development have concentrated on identifying relevant challenges and barriers between the consortium universities regarding human capital. Strategies and action plans have been developed to balance the circulation of researchers and empower them through equal opportunities. Deliverables include the creation of a research career criteria database and a document about career skills training. Furthermore, a new experimental framework for the evaluation of research careers has been conceived. Key activities included a workshop on early career development at León and the launch of PhD Journeys at all partner universities.
The aim of Work Package 6: Inclusiveness of Scientific Communities is to create a culture in which individuals from historically, culturally, economically and physically diverse and marginalised backgrounds feel that they are truly part of the fabric of an institution. A key deliverable addresses the perspectives of vulnerable groups, institutional fabrics, and business environments and offers a glossary of relevant concepts/topics about diversity and inclusiveness. All partner universities have updated their gender equality plans, which demonstrates the alliance’s prioritisation of inclusion and diversity.
The analysis of existing structures related to the management of research in each alliance member institution is the focus of Work Package 7: Joint Research Structures Utilization Strategy. Completed deliverables include reports about structural and organisational institution configuration, research funding sources, and an analysis of legal issues and good practices.
Work Package 8: Joint Innovation Structure Utilization Strategy critically examines existing innovation structures and policies with the aim of formulating a joint innovation strategy that inspires the institutional transformation of EURECA-PRO universities regarding new innovation processes and policies in sustainable economy. A report about current innovation structures and policies highlights best practice examples as guidelines for the alliance community.
Work Package 9: Ethics highlights fundamental ethical issues and approaches within the alliance. The deliverable ‘POPD- Requirement No2’ relates to ethical issues regarding personal data protection within the RE-EURECA-PRO project and serves as a guide on how to handle the generated data.
The overall impact of the project is to demonstrate measurable progress towards institutional transformation in the three action areas (‘Interdisciplinary European Research Area’, ‘New Human Capacity’, ‘New Shared Potential’). Individual expected results include pilot actions that take interdisciplinary institutional collaboration to the next level and transfer scientific knowledge to concrete SDG12 solutions. Additionally, actions focussing on research career development and mobility will result in an improvement of a range of transversal skills. With diversity and inclusiveness being integral factors in academic organisations, a key result of the alliance’s work is the development of strong gender equality plans which ensure the establishment of inclusive work environments and foster equal participation, thus bringing about positive societal change.
The integration of research and innovation structures, including joint legal and management processes, is a core challenge and results in this area will be tested in case studies and pilot actions. The limitations of existing structures related to the conduct and management of research are scrutinized for their potential and adjusted accordingly. A better understanding of the managerial mind-sets, legal pressures, academic traditions and expectations will be offered, and best practices in research and innovation framework utilization will be implemented.
Eventually, findings from all action areas will end up in a political recommendation to the European Commission to promote systemic interdisciplinary and inter-stakeholder approaches for the benefit of the entire HEI landscape and society in Europe. The ultimate aim of this European University initiative is to contribute strongly to the pathway towards climate neutrality and the sustainable development of the planet.
workpackages in RE_EURECA_PRO