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Invest for Excellence in Regional Sustainability

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - INVEST4EXCELLENCE (Invest for Excellence in Regional Sustainability)

Período documentado: 2021-10-01 hasta 2023-03-31

The thematic focus of the INVEST EU Alliance is in sustainable development. INVEST4EXCELLENCE (I4E) is creating the background for the development and implementation of research and innovation ideas through model development for institutional transformation at R&I dimension; developing of European Innovation Ecosystem for Academia-Business & Society; developing of Capacity Building Tools; and implementing and promoting the I-EDUC8EU tool.

In terms of importance for society, I4E represents the extension of INVEST EU Alliance´s activities towards regional sustainability in the three main focal areas (respecting the Green Deal and the SDG principles) – Water, energy, food and environment nexus, Quality of life and Entrepreneurship – into the research and innovation transformation modules. Emphasis is put on the preservation of complementarity and coherence between these focal areas and selected SDGs as the response to the needs and requirements of the new generation as the leader in introducing the sustainable life. Engaging the main actors in the regions is the precondition for conducting the research and bringing the innovation into regions.

I4E overall objective is to develop an integrated and long-term joint strategy on research and innovation in line with the education strategies from the INVEST EU University Alliance. The specific SMART objectives (SO) are the following:
• SO 1: To develop and implement the I4E model for institutional transformation at research and innovation dimension,
• SO 2: To develop I4E European Innovation Ecosystem for Academia-Business & Society,
• SO 3: To develop I4E Capacity Building Tools,
• SO 4: To implement and promote the I-EDUC8EU tool
• SO 5: To set up well-functioning group of stakeholders
Interconnection of tasks allows partners to contribute to achieve objectives relying on their expertise. Cooperation brings all partners opportunities to transfer the knowledge and good practices, and the ability to formulate the desired results so that they are applicable to the entire Alliance. All Work Packages (WP) made progress towards the objectives to which they contribute.

In WP 1 (Management and Coordination, led by SUA), 4 deliverables have been submitted. WP involves the management procedures that are running during the project. Meetings of the project's management structures are held on set dates. Within the Policy Brief 1 submitted at the end of RP 01, I4E consortium provided a set of policy recommendations to the EU.

Although the submission of all deliverables in WP 2 (Model for Institutional Transformation at Research and Innovation Dimension, led by UARD, SO addressed: 1, 5) is planned in RP 02, preparations took place to significant extent. The work on I4E Joint Strategy on R&I was aligned with existing INVEST/I4E materials, including general goals and strategic choices, the already determined KPIs, jointly agreed methodology, and established INVEST vision/strategy/mission for long-term cooperation. As a part of the development of the I4E Internationalization Strategy for R&I and I4E Open Science Database, a website was created as a basis for functioning the network “Science for regional sustainability” (SCIENCE4REGIONS).

Two deliverables covering the issue of Living Labs (LL) were submitted within WP 3 (I4E European Innovation Ecosystem for Academia-Business & Society, led by VHL. SO addressed: 2, 5) as one of the key I4E components. Guiding principles for a LL approach have been established within the position paper. BuddyBoss platform was chosen to facilitate the virtual learning communities of the regional LLs. It offers the opportunity to support and further promote the INVEST community and project, where all members of the LL can interact. Based on experiences in the Dutch LLs, VHL supports the LL development in other I4E partner regions.

Fulfilling the objectives aimed at identification and description of the key research competences and skills, 2 deliverables were submitted under WP 4 (I4E Capacity Building Tools, led by KARELIA UAS, SO addressed: 2, 3, 5). RDI Competence Matrix summarizes the baseline of the key competences. The main interesting finding was that regionally important competences were not the same or the importance was different than what was found from literature review. Stakeholder Involvement Tool aims to help I4E partners to utilize the maximum potential of the INVEST LLs through stakeholder involvement.

The initial task of WP 5 (Dissemination, Awareness Building & Engagement for INVEST R&D, led by UTH, SO addressed: 4, 5) was to create a Dissemination Activities Plan Report (submitted as a deliverable). UTH monitors the frequency of the publication of results, news, conference participations and project evolvement in terms of dissemination, orchestrating the satisfactory accomplishment of the objectives. UTH links with regional stakeholders by adopting the QHM to engage them in the promotion of I4E news, results, and upcoming events. A comprehensive selection of tools, methodologies, and communication flows were carried out to reach the external audience: I4E website, social media and I4E logo and visual identity – all have been launched at the beginning of the project.
Generally, the progress includes the following:
• high level of involvement of partners in activities, including promotion of the project,
• exchange of knowledge and good practices,
• participation in joint research activities, scientific papers, conferences, seminars, dissemination and expert events, etc.
• preparation of new project applications,
• gradually involving regional innovators within Living Labs

Bulgarian partner UARD launched new cooperation with Regional Development Agency with Business Support Centre for SMEs regarding the synergies with the projects funded by Interreg Europe (STOB Regions), Interreg Danube Transnational Program (INSiGHS) and Balkan Mediterranean Program (PROENERGY).

Greek partner UTH is vigorous in promoting I4E research activities throughout the academic fields by submitting manuscripts to peer reviewed scientific journals and conferences. In the context of implementation of the I-EDUC8EU tool, as one of the main I4E pillars, an innovative software was already developed. UTH developed INVEST LL ontology (INVESTL2) which models the needed domain knowledge streams for the LLs. In the context of the RES-Q (RESCUE) LL a novel information technology solution concerning the real-time recommendation and orchestration of post-disaster response plans was proposed.

Project partner KARELIA UAS from Finland is already developing the Common Policy for Institutional transformation in R&I and the Joint strategy on R&I. KARELIA UAS conducts regular meetings with LL stakeholders and promotes I4E towards different target groups during various online and face-to-face events (e.g. low-carbon and climate-smart companies, ministries, chambers of commerce, rectors´ conferences, etc.)

Dutch partner VHL is a key player in the development and application of Living Labs principles. The LLs act as authentic learning environments for the INVEST EU Alliance and as case studies for research in I4E. In the Netherlands VHL worked on the implementation of the LLs, together with quadruple helix partners. Each partner will lead the LL development in its own country and each LL will address a specific topic, related to the I4E overarching theme of regional sustainable development.
Sustainable Development Goals addressed by INVEST4EXCELLENCE