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CRoss-sEcToral planning decisIoN-maKing platform to foster climate Action

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RethinkAction (CRoss-sEcToral planning decisIoN-maKing platform to foster climate Action)

Période du rapport: 2021-10-01 au 2023-03-31

The land system is recognised as a “planet boundary” at risk of being exceeded, thus already threatening the “safe operating space” of the Earth system which allows the society development as we know it today. RethinkAction will develop a cross-sectoral decision-making platform tailored to the needs of different end-users. The platform will deliver clear and valuable information on climate change and increase awareness and attractiveness referring to land use-based mitigation and adaptation solutions. It will be centred on land use as a key to sustain life and reach objectives in the context of climate change and will help people to understand how individual changes in lifestyles as well as social behaviour can have an effect on land use in general. Moreover, it will allow users to access land use-based adaptation and mitigation solutions linking local, European and global scales based on six representative case studies, covering the main regional differences related to climate change. Within this approach RethinkAction aims to create awareness not only for political changes but also for individual behavioural changes. By developing solutions through participatory processes, the project will also promote active participation in climate action by decision-makers, stakeholders and citizens in Europe. It has the main objectives:
1. Creation and engagement of the End-users Community.
2. High-resolution climate data and land use maps. Climate change impacts and risks in each case study.
3. Land use-based Adaptation and Mitigation Solutions cataloged at local, EU and global scales.
4. Multiscale evaluation framework: 1) Future scenarios consistent across scales 2) Local dynamic models for the integrated assessment of solutions 3) An upscaling function for solutions at EU & global scales (WILIAM IAM).
5. Land-based policy recommendations at different scales (local, EU & international policies).
6. Develop the RethinkAction integrated assessment platform and demonstrate it in six representative case studies.
7. An exploitation strategy as well as an open promotion of the projects’ results.
A brief summary of the progress performed so far is shown:
• WP2: all five tasks worked on, three of which completed and four deliverables submitted (D2.1 D2.2 D2.3 and D2.7 in M12). Several internal and external workshops held. Establishment and development of the EUC: now well established with a good and improving balance within pilot regions, to continue to grow throughout the project duration. MS1 achieved in M12.
• WP3: T3.1 completed in M18 (D3.1 in M18). 54 data providers and 63 different datasets identified and considered useful sources of data. Standard harmonization process defined and parts of identified datasets already downloaded, processed and made available for internal use (T3.2 & T3.4). Methodology to generate land use maps (T3.3) completed. High-resolution land use maps at CS level generated and under validation. Historical land use maps under development. Preliminary specifications of open standardised database sketched in T3.5.
• WP4: T4.1 & T4.2 completed (D4.1 & D4.2). Review of policy documents at EU/Global & local scales to identify LAMS within different sectors, then categorized and characterized. Initial list of LAMS developed based on the review of documents. Input used to modify/add LAMS to initial list (T4.1) and to identify the requirements of LAMS catalogue in terms of content and specifications (T4.2). T4.3 & 4.4 started, according to plan, including identification of synergies & trade-offs between LAMS, establishment of a set of KPIs and LAMS catalogue development.
• WP5: preparing stage for development of local models (T6.4). In T5.1 UVa and CS leaders developed scenarios across scales, both global and local (D5.1 in M12). Model structure carried out thanks to experience acquired in LOCOMOTION project, adapting structure to needs of each CS. This set the basis for the start of VENSIM modelling of local model(s). Important work carried out (and ongoing) to represent LAMS to be simulated in local CSs. Methodology of T5.2 for land use allocation and climate risks analysis ongoing.
• WP6: start development of local models and application of methods (defined in T5.2) in risks analysis in CSs (T6.1). Progress in T6.4 linked with T5.3 basic structure of the local model defined (i.e basis for six local models). Local data requested and some reviewed to check if the model’s structure needs to be adjusted according to data availability. In M18 model development still ongoing with data availability checking. Case Study Committee (CSC) established to facilitate communication between CSs and WPs. Led by FC.ID co-chaired by CARTIF and including at least all CS leaders.
• WP7: definition and design of the platform. T7.1 completed. New versions of Use Cases & Requirements generated. First versions of platform high-level architecture and mock-ups created. Definition of a workflow of platform helped to identify data to be used by modules of the platform. Also, organization of different data in repositories analysed. With respect to development, first analysis of the tools to be used performed.
• WP8: First exploitation workshop on KERs characterization, D8.1 “Initial characterization of results and IP” Submitted in M10, second exploitation workshop on BFMULO and IPR management, literature review on market competitors and business models, D8.2 “Business and Exploitation Mid-Term Report” Submitted in M18, Definition of main roles and responsibilities of the project partners towards the personal and/or joint exploitation of the project results. Achievement of MS9 in M18.
• WP9: C&D strategy (D9.1) list of relevant events, publications & relevant partner projects and initiatives. Logo development & general appearance, website and update, flyer, roll up, social media channels set up, guidelines/templates/timeline for blog article & social media posts (277 in M18), C&D tracking list, updated event data base, blogposts (8 blog articles), internal social media workshop, news article on project meeting, video interviews, Website update, Newsletter (79 subscribers in M18). Presentation on events (ICLEI Research Symposium in Malmo, European Urban Resilience Forum, and COP 27).
These steps followed in RP1 are the basis to obtain the key exploitable results (KERs) at the end: (1) Service for data extraction from Copernicus services and platform integration, (2) LAMS catalogue explorer, (3) Case study local level assessment, (4) EU / global level assessment & (5) Integrated Assessment Platform.
In terms of progress beyond the state of the art and impacts, at this starting stage of the project, only preliminary progress can be reported. This is defined in more depth in Part B; however, the link of each WP that contributes to the establishing the basis towards ambitions and impacts is shown:
• WP2: ambition 1, 2 & 5; impacts 1, 4, 5, & 9
• WP3: ambition 3; impacts 2 & 3
• WP4: ambition 4; impacts 3 & 6
• WP5: ambition 1, 4 & 5; impacts 3, 6, 7, & 8
• WP6: ambition 1, 2, 4 & 5; impacts 3, 6, 7, & 8
• WP7: ambition 6; impacts 4, 5, 6 & 9
• WP8: ambition 7; impacts 5, 7, 8 & 9
• WP9: impacts 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 & 9
Project WPs organization
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