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European Research Infrastructures - Pathway to Improved Resilience and Digital and Remote Access

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - eRImote (European Research Infrastructures - Pathway to Improved Resilience and Digital and Remote Access)

Période du rapport: 2022-06-01 au 2023-05-31

The COVID-19-pandemic forced many Research Infrastructures (RI) to quickly set up new ways for remote access to their facilities, with little time to exchange on good practices with other RIs in the same field, let alone in other domains. In order to benefit from these experiences and to ensure a stronger resilience to such challenges in the future, the eRImote project is collecting existing processes and good practices on remote access to RIs.
The overall objective of the eRImote project is to identify strategies and solutions to enable the transition to more remote and digital access to RI services that will help to enhance and make more accessible the service capacities of RIs while reducing the need for physical access to RI sites. This can bring benefits to the green economy, reducing the footprint of RIs and increasing access inclusiveness as a result. To reach this main goal, several secondary objectives have been defined:
The objectives of the project are shown in figure 1.
eRImote has conducted three workshops and is running five expert groups which gather information on bottlenecks and good practice for the provision of remote access to RIs. All workshops and expert groups gathered experts from the different domains and already achieved considerable mutual learnings across these different domains. This is one of the strengths of this very interdisciplinary project and has already proven to lead to very rich exchanges, mutual learning of RI experts from different domains and valuable collection of material, which is in the process of being made available on the Information platform.
Remote access to RIs has many facets, and the different workshops and expert groups are aiming to address all of them, with a focus on aspects where the potential for mutual learning and joint action is considered to be highest.
Aspects of remote access considered in figure 4.
The project has developed a publicly available information platform which is starting to be populated with the evidence collected so far ( ).
The collection of good practices on remote access will, once it is available on the eRImote information platform, be a valuable repository for cross-domain information on how to tackle the challenges of remote access, which range from the logistics of sample shipping to the challenges of keeping users engaged in virtual rather than hands-on training schemes.
eRImote will also analyse the current bottlenecks and good practice to provide recommendations for RI managers and policy makers.
In addition, eRImote will also explore new solutions using defined use cases to develop and test their implementation in participating RIs. This will take the project beyond the state-of-the-art and allow for concrete solutions addressing some of the challenges linked with remote access.