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Vectors to Accessible Critical Raw Material Resources in Sedimentary Basins

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - VECTOR (Vectors to Accessible Critical Raw Material Resources in Sedimentary Basins)

Reporting period: 2022-06-01 to 2023-11-30

To explore the potential of domestic sourcing, we need to understand the inherent complex social, environmental and technical challenges. VECTOR brings together geo, social and data science to develop human-centered solutions for a socially acceptable, responsible and sustainable supply of CRMs. The project seeks to change the way how exploration and mining will be performed in the future. VECTOR opens the path for new business models and the utilization of sustainability reporting standards. To ensure relevant impact the consortium proposes the following pathways: an advanced interdisciplinary knowledge base; understanding the role of primary raw materials; cost-effective exploration targeting methods, improved business models; skilled practitioners; improved land use and policy decisions; and a more effective communication.
Practically, VECTOR will create a series of toolkits to: (1) provide a step change in the geological understanding and modeling of the subsurface to locate environmentally and economically viable ore deposits; (2) develop innovative and efficient exploration technologies and methodologies for a minimal environmental and social footprint; (3) enable more human-centered industry practices based on improved understanding of values, socio-economic and demographic factors that may play a role in public responses to mining activities; (4) create a data-driven dissemination programme about CRMs that supports dialogue and informed decision making; and (5) combine geological with social indicators (vectors).
Legacy data from test areas in Ireland and Germany have been compiled and integrated in 3D geological models for effective data usage. It will be ready in 2024 as open access VECTOR data. In these test areas, we acquired unique geophysical data, petrophysical measurements and a multi-sensor hyperspectral dataset of more than 6 kms drill cores. The data are being processed, integrated and visualized with improved and newly developed open source tools. Data is now being integrated with computer vision and machine learning techniques. VECTOR has defined Shared Value in the EU and identified its drivers. We also explore the opportunities that existing and proposed EU legislations and initiatives could bring in promoting a Shared Value approach to mining. A Shared Value index based on tools from the INFACT project is under development, while a novel online simulator has been designed and is currently being tested to visualize how people balance ethical, social, economic, political, and environmental consequences of mining. An open source machine learning architecture based on auto-encoders has been developed to link diverse social, economic, political, environmental information and stakeholder opinions to infer the shared values that are relevant to reach consensus when developing new mining projects in different parts of Europe. The engagement strategy is based on mapping needs of different stakeholder groups, completed in the first half of the project. A web page with interactive maps and media has been created to offer end users geoscience and sustainability data in an easily accessible and interactive format.
In Ireland and Germany, VECTOR tested the following new exploration technologies with high potential for geological surveys and mining companies: (1) Low impact geophysical methods for subsurface imaging, including a low-cost passive seismic survey and a new type of survey array for magnetotellurics; (2) Hyperspectral imaging for rapid mineral analysis in drill cores and other geological samples; (3) Software for constructing, managing, rapidly querying and loading these data. The toolbox facilitates rapid data exchange and will have broad applications across the exploration industry.
VECTOR aligned the intended work and the latest societal developments and knowledge by shifting from “social acceptance” towards the potential of Shared Values. Shared Value refers to common principles or visions between different stakeholders that, in turn, benefit society as well as companies. VECTOR develops a Shared Value-index, which will result in recommendations on how the potential to create Shared Value can be enhanced. VECTOR also developed an interactive and unique online simulator that visualizes the complex decisions that implementing the Green Deal involves and the role of CRMs.
VECTOR developed workflows to visualize complex geo-models and modify input parameters easily. A new time-resolved modeling of basin-hosted mineral systems helps to delineate areas where mineral deposition likely occurred. VECTOR also investigated new geophysical inversions that can be included directly in geological modeling processes. VECTOR currently improved novel fusion methods for Earth Observation and social data that allow for the joint processing of complex data streams for. We build on these innovative approaches to evaluate a generalization of the shared value index. Key priors, such as geographical, socio-economic factors can be visualized using a front-end interface.