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CORDIS - EU research results

Vectors to Accessible Critical Raw Material Resources in Sedimentary Basins


Front-end user interface

(M12 with ongoing updates); Development of a front-end web platform that makes both geoscientific and sustainability data available to end users in an easily accessible format including the ability to interact with the data.

ML architecture for text mining-EO

First multistream Machine Learning architecture for text mining-EO developed

Toolbox for joint processing of geophysical and remote sensing data

Development of a toolbox for the joint processing of geophysical and remote sensing data

Report on influence of values

Report on influence of values on social acceptance of CRMs in the context of the Green Deal

Stakeholder mapping, needs and gap analysis

Stakeholder mapping, needs and gap analysis (M6 and ongoing updates)

Upscaling workflows

Difinition of workflows for correlation between quantitative mineralogy and hyperspectral data, to be used for upscaling to drill-core scale measurements to link vectors to new 3D models in WP4

Dissemination, exploitation and communication

Plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication activities (M6 and ongoing updates)

Contingency Plan

The coordination team is responsible for drafting and maintaining a plan for risk management (contingency plan). Estimation and anticipation of potential risks shall be a regular topic at each Operations Team meeting. Should risks be identified, mitigation planning can be accelerated and be quickly put into action.

Dynamic business case

Development of a dynamic business case (M6 and ongoing updates).To determine the true business case for different user groups including industry, policymakers, investors, academia and other interested parties.

Business models

Report on human-centred approaches in existing business models for mining

Impact metrics

(M6 and ongoing updates) A set of fit-for-purpose impact metrics will be developed to trigger updates as necessary to these critical project documents based on the changing context within Europe.

Quality Plan

A quality management plan describing guidelines for formal quality management will be detailed and put in place at the start of the project. The operations team (coordination team and WP leaders) defines performance indicators in order to evaluate various aspects of overall performance. The indicators, and thus project performance, will be assessed ona regular basis.

Shared values report

Report on shared values: definitions and drivers in an EU context and regional variations


(M1 and ongoing updates); The website will be the key tool for communicating with the public. Hence a first version of the website must be setup early on. Mechanisms of the website will include intuitive access to all relevant information concerning the project (purpose, vision, team, key deliverables, key events, live webinars, tools).

Kick-off meeting

A kick-off meeting will be held with project partners and the project officer to officially start the project, communicate main administrative information and to generate decisions about first work steps as an outcome. The meeting will be held either face-to-face, hybrid or online.

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