Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CONNECT (Cyprus ON a missioN to Engage, inspire and Connect with ciTizens through the European Researchers’ Night)
Reporting period: 2023-04-01 to 2024-03-31
The vision of the CONNECT project is to engage, inspire and ultimately connect with researchers and the public at large in a quest to increase awareness about research and innovation activities and to boost public recognition of science and research education in Cyprus. In the framework of the project, two European Researchers' Night (ERN) events will be organised in Cyprus in September 2022 and September 2023. The theme of the events, Mission: INSPIRE 2022 and Mission: CONNECT 2023, is inspired by the EU Missions aiming to mobilise and activate collective efforts to tackle common challenges and bring about lasting impact. The target audience is the public at large, attracting people regardless of their age, gender or scientific background, with a special focus on families, pupils and students. CONNECT will also bring researchers at schools in order for them to actively engage with the younger generation but also promote a scientific approach to teaching for teachers, providing direct access to information about research performed in Cyprus in the priority topics of the EU missions.
Overall objectives and Expected Impacts
Objective 1: To mobilise researchers within the R&I ecosystem of Cyprus, bringing them closer to the public and giving them enhanced opportunities to engage and interact with citizens and local, regional and national authorities through educational and entertaining activities planned throughout the year with a focus on the EU's missions.
Expected Impact 1: Through the enhanced engagement with citizens on R&I and the interaction of researchers with different target groups and in different settings, stereotypes about researchers, including ones relating to gender, will be reduced through the participation of both male and female researchers in the planned activities. At the same time, the researchers’ work will be made more tangible, concrete, accessible, opening research and science to all. In turn, this is expected to increase the number of citizens who recognize the benefits of research but also the number of young people choosing research over other professions. Ultimately, this will contribute to nurturing a research and innovation culture in Cyprus beyond academia. Regarding the researchers themselves, the actions will contribute in improving their communication skills when interacting with non-research audiences, also assisted by science communication training sessions and recurring opportunities to present at schools and engage in discussions both online and offline.
Objective 2: To implement a national Researchers at Schools Initiative in order to inspire the younger generation to embark on science and research careers and encourage school teachers to adopt a scientific approach for delivering lessons on EU missions.
Expected Impact 2: Raised interest of young people in science and research careers early on in their lives, creating a learning opportunity for pupils through a direct interaction with researchers and ultimately increasing the number of students taking up a career in science and research. Support for school teachers to develop a scientific approach around priority topics of the EU missions.
Objective 3: To better communicate R&I results and activities to society, with a spotlight on excellence research projects, in order to enhance the reputation and visibility of participating organisations towards the general public and possible future students.
Expected Impact 3: A more favourable general attitude towards R&I and increased awareness among the general public of the importance and benefits of R&I and its concrete impact on citizens' daily life, specifically in the areas of the EU missions. Increased awareness and interest in the importance of R&I results and activities to society, contributing to the diffusion and promotion of excellence research projects across Europe and beyond.
Objective 4: To promote the European dimension, gender balance and inclusion in research and innovation, regardless of scientific or other background.
Expected Impact 4: Through the involvement of different actors, CONNECT will achieve greater visibility of the European dimension of research and innovation, a better understanding of the European Union policies and programmes in general and the EU missions in particular among the general public and a better understanding of the importance of gender balance.
The ERN 2022 and ERN 2023 events proved to be a great success and the main conclusion that could be drawn from the final number of visitors (6,000+ visitors in total for each event) and wide engagement of the public with social media posts, pre-events and communication actions, is that the main goal was achieved. Implemented activities included:
- Pre-arranged School Visits during the morning sessions of the events, with the participation of 2300 students in 2022 and 3000+ students in ERN 2023.
- An E-book competition (for Primary School Students).
- "Science Unfold" Science Communication Competition (for high-school Students) with the participation of students from all over Cyprus.
- Pre- events, including workshops for research teams on topics related to Science Communication and Gender-related Issues in R&I.
- Integration of the five (5) EU Missions as the central theme of the ERN events, with the R&I Exhibition Booths being divided into five Mission Zones, and the EU Missions being the central theme of student competitions.
- A balanced mix of research activities hosted at the R&I Exhibition Booths, combining entertainment and science and addressing the public in all its components.
- Participation of 400+ researchers in each event, from a wide range of scientific disciplines and all career stages, and with a balanced participation of female (47%) and male (53%) researchers. Active involvement and special role assigned to MSCA /ERA fellows.
- Active involvement of all major stakeholders in the Cypriot R&I ecosystem with participation from universities, SMEs, Centres of Excellence, Research Institutes and NGOs.
- Treasure Hunt for young people and families.
- A great number of H2020 and HE funded projects presented through the R&I Exhibition Area.
- Policy makers invited and participated.
- Close collaboration with Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth to promote the participation of school students to the event, student competitions and the Researchers at Schools Initiative.
- The design and implementation of a robust awareness campaign to promote ERN events and the Researchers at Schools Initiative.
- Additional involvement of volunteers from the Research and Innovation Foundation.
Regarding the Researchers at Schools activities of the project, 187 school visits were implemented around five (5) World Days relating to the EU Missions, with 117 participations on behalf of researchers. Schools were located in all districts in Cyprus, with the greatest majority in both years being Primary Schools, in relation to Gymnasiums and Lyceums/Technical Schools.