Report on the awareness campaign actions media feedback activities on Internet such as hits on website blogs social networks etc accompanied by samples of promotional material posters leaflets programmes gadgets etc
Report on the Researchers at Schools activities (2023-2024)Report on the number content and impact assessment from the implemented activities
Interim ReportInterim Report on the implementation of tasks and any deviations from the Grant Agreement
Report on impact assessment (2023)Report on impact assessment number of responses tools used main trends and conclusions accompanied by samples of questionnairesinterviews in English
Report on Impact Assessment (2022)Report on impact assessment number of responses tools used main trends and conclusions accompanied by samples of questionnairesinterviews in English
Report on the activities of the NIGHT (ERN2023)Report on the activities of the NIGHT list participation most successful activities possible lessons learnt etc
Report on the awareness campaign (ERN 2023)Report on the awareness campaign actions media feedback activities on Internet such as hits on website blogs social networks etc accompanied by samples of promotional material posters leaflets programmes gadgets etc
Report on the Researchers at Schools activities (2022-2023)Report on the number content and impact assessment from the implemented activities
Report on the Activities of the Night (ERN 2022)Report on the activities of the NIGHT list participation most successful activities possible lessons learnt etc
Final ReportFinal Report on the implementation of tasks and any deviations from the Grant Agreement.
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