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Energy- and Spectrally-Efficient sub-THz Transmitter Array Towards Indoor 6G Infrastructure


6G have already been pronounced even we just met with 5G. Extreme data-rates with extremely low latency envisioned to open path to applications like real-time holographic communications. In the line of technological innovations and developments to increase the wireless data-rates, considerations on energy efficiency have remained silent. This proposed action aims to cover ultra-high data-rate, energy-efficiency, low-latency and low-cost as well as supporting beam-steering capabilities for mobility and multi-users, for the next generation indoor wireless infrastructure.
CMOS stands out for low-cost, high yield, reliability, repeatability, and is employed in here within several manufacturing technologies. Sub-terahertz frequencies can be used to increase data-rates with wider bandwidths. Even with the increased bandwidths, spectral efficiency must also be increased for higher data-rates. This contradicts with energy efficiency in conventional wireless transmitters employing higher order modulations such as 16QAM. On the contrary, simple modulations enables more energy efficiency, yet, data-rate is limited due to lower spectral efficiency. Moreover, simple modulations do not require heavy digital signal processing and complex baseband circuitry, hence the latency is lower than higher order modulations. A novel BPSK×BPOOK modulations combination is targeted for increased spectral efficiency and higher data-rates while keeping the complexity minimal and hence increased energy efficiency, with inherently low latency. Phase interpolator circuits are to be deployed here in an unconventional approach that is different than the state-of-the-art to achieve beam-steering.
This proposed action, “ENergy- and SPECtrally-Efficient sub-THz Transmitter Array Towards Indoor 6G Infrastructure” (ENSPEC6G) aims to propose a solution for a sustainable future in mind of the trade-offs between economic, environmental, and social objectives for the next generation wireless infrastructure.

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 148 478,40
34956 Istanbul

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İstanbul İstanbul İstanbul
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
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