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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE



Período documentado: 2023-07-01 hasta 2024-06-30

Health-related activities are evolving from a reactive approach (curing diseases) to an approach based on the P4 medicine paradigm: Predictive, Preventive, Personalised and Participatory. In this new paradigm, the use of digital technologies is key. Thanks to digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence or High-Performance Computing and the massive generation of medical and other health-related data, traditional methods for early detection, diagnosis, treatment, patient management, precision medicine, drug development, genomics, or medical image analysis are being transformed.
In this regard, Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) have the mission to help companies (mainly startups, SMEs) and public institutions to better experience how digital technologies can improve their efficiency, effectiveness, innovation and product quality. Co-creation is also key to P4 Medicine innovations, which require many actors to collaborate across regions. DIHsP4_MEDICINE project aims to unleash the potential that exists around the collaboration among DIHs focused on health-related activities. The lessons to be learned from the activities carried out within the framework of the project will make possible to take advantage of this experience for the implementation of joint long-term and stable programmes to fostering collaboration among DIHs in the field of P4 Medicine, as well as exploring the opportunity to articulate stable Hub corridors to shape these collaborations.
The project’s activities are classified within 4 Work Packages (WPs) to systematise and monitor the achievement of the project’s objectives:
• WP1 covered the project's coordination and monitoring of activities.
• WP2 addressed all the activities related to dissemination, communication and the further expansion of the initiative.
• WP3 focused on building dialogue mechanisms between key actors to learn about the opportunities for collaboration around the innovation ecosystems created around the DIHs
• WP4 addressed the process of developing a Joint Action Plan (JAP) to act as a long-term mechanism to define and implement initiatives that can facilitate collaboration between ecosystems.
The work performed during the first phase of the project consisted in a close dialogue and research phase to, on the one hand, deepen the knowledge regarding the opportunities and synergies that exist between health-related activities and digitalisation as a lever to move towards the P4 medicine paradigm, and, on the other hand, to know which are the mechanisms and key aspects that define a successful collaboration between DIHs specialised in health. The work performed was articulated around 3 Task Forces (TFs) with specific thematic focuses that are key to promoting an effective collaboration between DIHs-led innovation ecosystems; and 4 Study Visits to each beneficiary’s region (Lyon/Grenoble, Ljubljana, Cluj-Napoca and Madrid) with the aim to deepen the understanding of the level of digitisation of healthcare systems in each region by gaining first-hand knowledge of specific experiences, activities, needs and success cases of key stakeholders in the field of P4 Medicine of each innovation ecosystem of DIHsP4_Medicine. Altogether, this led to a comprehensive understanding of the main needs that startups, SMEs and other entities have in the development of their activities and innovation in eHealth and of the DIH’s capabilities and domains of expertise that can be useful to help these entities to cover their technological and structural needs. This first phase of the project culminated in an Interregional Seminar which allowed the interaction among partners and international experts.
The work performed during the first phase was drawn up in 3 main reports: Findings about TFs, Findings about SVs and Collaboration Plan.
The second phase of the project was shaped by the first-hand knowledge and valuable insights into the challenges and needs of stakeholders—especially SMEs and start-ups—in different European regions gathered during the first phase. The identification of certain technology gaps and areas where additional support and resources are needed to foster innovation and growth in digital P4 medicine-based healthcare and collaboration between innovation ecosystems formed the basis for the elaboration of the JAP. Thus, based on the EU health priorities and a common set of priorities, challenges and needs of health sector stakeholders identified during the dialogue phase, the JAP includes key strategic lines of work and flagship initiatives that represent specific actions to be implemented with the aim of improving healthcare delivery and patient outcomes by promoting digital health and the shift towards a P4 Medicine. To complement the JAP, a Sustainability Plan has also been developed to ensure the long-term sustainability and financial viability of the JAP in order to implement the planned activities and promote sustainable cooperation of the interlinked innovation ecosystems within a five-year perspective. The JAP was reviewed and validated by key stakeholders from the quadruple helix, including public authorities and decision makers. The validated JAP provides a guide for stakeholders involved in the design, management and financing of regional innovation ecosystems to foster collaborative activities in key healthcare areas towards a harmonised EU digital health landscape.
The project’s results expected impact was to develop joint long-term programmes to foster collaboration between EDIHS-led health innovation ecosystems, involving all actors of the quadruple helix, to promote cutting-edge digital technologies and accelerate the implementation of the P4 Medicine paradigm in European healthcare systems.
Healthcare is one of the most challenging sectors for innovators due to complex regulations, high costs, long time-to-market, difficult access to quality data and problems with data standardisation and interoperability. Post-pandemic, healthcare systems also face low budgets and prioritisation for digital transformation. SMEs and start-ups, key targets for DIHs, struggle with limited access to clinical trials and testing, often monopolised by big pharma, and face high regulatory requirements that hinder market entry and increase costs, threatening entrepreneurship. In addition, low digital literacy and lack of trust in digital innovation among healthcare professionals remains a major concern. The project provided a comprehensive understanding of how networked EDIHs can address these challenges and stakeholder needs and medium-long term action plans that will guide European innovation ecosystems to co-create and collaborate on initiatives aimed at promoting and benefiting from the use of digital technologies in healthcare, overcoming the current challenges in the sector and achieving the paradigm shift from reactive medicine to P4 medicine.
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