Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CITRUS (Closed-loop Individualized image-guided Transcranial Ultrasonic Stimulation)
Reporting period: 2022-10-01 to 2023-09-30
In particular, CITRUS objectives were to:
Develop and test two novel, MR-compatible TUS prototypes with multi-element transducers
Develop and test two novel multi-channel receive MR coils tailored to concurrent use with TUS
Develop and test novel MR-based bone segmentation for improved personalised application planning
Develop and test a novel, accelerated MR sequence for mapping TUS effects in vivo
Integrate the TUS/MRI device with neuronavigation hard- and software
Develop and test a novel software for closed-loop stimulation adjustment via MR-based TUS-mapping
Provide proof-of-principle demonstration for target exposure and neural target engagement in humans
Task 1.1 Scientific and technical coordination (lead: MUW; contributors: All; M1-M48)
Task 1.2 Project administration (lead: MUW; contributors: All; M1-M48)
Task 1.3 Data management (lead: MUW; contributors: All; M1-M6)
Task 2.1: Defining detailed system requirements and specifications of TUS/MRI V1 system (lead FRAUNHOFER; contributor All; M1-M2)
Task 2.2: In-scanner neuronavigation setup and evaluation (lead MUW; contributor LOC; M3-M6)
Task 2.3 Development and setup TUS components for TUS/MRI V1 system (lead FRAUNHOFER; M3-M12)
Task 2.4: Development and setup MR-coil V1 (lead MUW; M3-M12)
Task 2.5: Integration and technical evaluation TUS/MRI V1 (lead MUW; contributor FRAUNHOFER; M9-M12)
Task 3.1: Specification of the software and hardware requirements (lead BUT; contributor UCL; M1-M3)
Task 3.2: Design of software architecture (lead BUT; contributor UCL; M4-M6)
Task 3.3: Offline planning: Development and validation of measurement-based source models of TUS transducers (lead UCL; contributor FRAUNHOFER; M6-M24, M36)
Task 3.4: Offline planning: Development of MR-Skull segmentation pipeline (lead REGIONH, contributor: UCL; M6-M24)
Task 3.6: Online planning: Development of online re-planning software (lead BUT; contributors UCL; FRAUNHOFER, LOC, RAD; M6-36)
Task 4.1: MR-ARFI sequence development (lead RAD; M1-M24)
Task 4.2: Design of application control system (lead BUT; contributors FRAUNHOFER, LOC; M4-M9)
Task 4.3: Implement GUI to support navigation of TUS transducers (lead LOC; contributors FRAUNHOFER, BUT; M9-M40)
Task 6.1: Generation of a technical documentation compliant to MDR requirements (lead FRAUNHOFER; contributors All; M7-M36)
Task 6.2: Risk management compliant ISO 14971 (lead LOC; contributors All; M7-M36)
Task 7.1 Public communication and visibility (lead MUW; contributors All; M1-M48)
Task 7.4 IPR strategy (lead MUW; contributors All; M1-M48)
Task 8.1 Establish collaboration with other projects funded under 2021 EIC Pathfinder challenge call (lead: MUW; contributors: All; M1-M48)
Task 8.2 Participate in regular meetings for updates and addressing challenges (lead: MUW; contributors: All; M1-M48)
Task 8.3 Organise and participate in collaboration meetings (lead: MUW; contributors: All; M1-M48)
Task 8.4 Participate in outreach events (lead: MUW; contributors: All; M1-M48)