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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Travelling Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism


TENACITy training methodology and curricula - 1st Release

This document will describe the training framework that will be developed in order to support a modern, improved and validated training.

Management, quality, risk and innovation handbook

This handbook will provide detailed information regarding:- The control of the project progress.- The quality control and criteria strategy.- The management of the risks to react effectively to potential problems.- The activities of each partner aiming to enable innovation.

Citizen perceptions of cross border security processes and requirements to engender engagement and trust

This document will describe the requirements to develop TENACITy in a way that it understands citizen's current awareness level regarding cross-border security and maximizes their engagement and trust.

Dissemination and Communication plan and material - 2nd Release

This deliverable will describe the communication and dissemination plan of the project, in order to ensure its wide visibility, promoting its activities and results.

Dissemination and Communication plan and material - 1st Release

This deliverable will describe the communication and dissemination plan of the project, in order to ensure its wide visibility, promoting its activities and results.

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