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The Generations and Gender Programme Preparatory Phase Project

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GGP-5D (The Generations and Gender Programme Preparatory Phase Project)

Reporting period: 2022-10-01 to 2023-09-30

The interdisciplinary research infrastructure (RI) Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) studies the scientific and societal challenges related to demographic changes. GGP collects, processes, and disseminates cross-nationally comparable longitudinal data on young adults, families, generational exchanges, and the life courses of women and men. The EU-funded the Generations and Gender Programme Preparatory Phase Project (GGP-5D) will increase the long-term sustainability of the RI. GGP-5D will focus on technical excellence, scientific and socio-economic impact and engagement, financial sustainability, legal frameworks, and positioning in the landscape of RIs. These five dimensions will contribute to the excellence and attractiveness of the European Research Area (ERA) in population studies, provide a solid ground for investment in the GGP, and result in an operable ecosystem of social sciences RIs.

The main objective of the GGP-5D project is to enhance the long-term sustainability of the RI with a view towards establishing it as a permanent RI with its own legal entity. To achieve this, the GGP-5D project will work on enhancing five dimensions: (1) Technical excellence, (2) Scientific and socio-economic impact and engagement, (3) Financial sustainability, (4) Legal frameworks, and (5) Positioning in the landscape of RIs. Together these five dimensions are expected to contribute to the excellence and attractiveness of the European Research Area in the field of population studies, to provide a solid ground for investment in the GGP, and to result in a well-functioning ecosystem of social sciences RIs.
In WP1 "Technical Design" comparing the offer of CESSDA European Data Archive to choose an archive for GGP survey data, comparing GGP metadata model with CESSDA model and choice of controlled vocabularies and ELSST terms to implement, participation in a FAIR-Impact support action organised by EOSC to assess FAIRness in GGS and identify necessary actions took place. A deliverable on mode effect is being prepared. The experience of the GGP Central Coordination Team (CCT), “GGP-EPI” pilot studies, methodological test in France, and first waves of Generations and Gender Survey round 2 (GGS-II) are used. Planning was done for other tasks and deliverables.

In WP2 "Impact and Engagement", 2 briefs have been drafted. An important task of WP2 was to organise the call for user-suggested modules to be included in the next wave of data collection in the GGS. The selection committee to coordinate the call was appointed by the GGP Steering Committee in November 2022. The call for new, user-suggested survey questions was announced and advertised in February 2023. As many as 28 proposals were received and evaluated by the GGP Consortium Board members. Five best proposals will be included into the next wave of GGS data collection. The call and all its procedures have been described in WP2 Deliverable D.2.1 (“Call for modules and related procedures”). The task is completed and is the main achievement of reporting period 1.

WP3, "Financial Sustainability," centered on refining the GGP Costbook and Business Plan, aligning with ESFRI guidelines. This involved revising data collection costs and CCT operation costs. Exploratory work on revenue sources, including European funding opportunities and non-governmental sources, was initiated.

In WP4 "Legal", draft GGP-ERIC statutes have been produced. Specific sections have been presented to the GGP CB in September 2023 and feedback received. Moreover, discussions with the host institution (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, NIDI) are ongoing on the future synergies between the GGP and NIDI. Lastly, potential scenarios of the governance transition of the current GGP Consortium Board have been prepared for a discussion among the GGP Consortium Board members in one of the planned meetings in 2024. The work will continue in the following period.

In WP5 "Positioning", the consultation on synergies with other RIs has been conducted among partners from 13 countries and will be the main material for preparing the Policy brief about the synergies of social sciences RI’s by 1st April 2024. Work on the Position paper on the GGP has begun. An additional consultation on strategies for national roadmap inclusion was carried out among the GGP Consortium Board members in order to 1) prepare the Brief concerning the cooperation of the four social science RI’s and 2) collect the experiences of the CB members concerning the inclusion of the GGP on the National Roadmaps. Lastly, work on the future enlargement of the GGP consisted of a regional workshop in Montenegro in 2023 and a preparation for a workshops in 2024.

In WP6 "Strategic Partnership", completed preparatory work for the GGP BGR. Mapping governmental representatives, drafting the Terms of Reference, and organising the 1st BGR meeting in November 2023 in The Hague have been finalised. Work on readiness assessment reports and the Memorandum of Understanding will commence after the BGR's first meeting.

In WP7 "Management and D-E-C coordination", Data management and D-E-C plans have been prepared and submitted. 3 CB meetings have been held. Work has been made in revising GGP ethics documents that refer to data management and privacy impact assessment. Multiple D-E-C activities have been carried out by majority of the GGP-5D project consortium members. Planning has started with follow up meetings envisioned for the upcoming period in connection to preparing a teaching data set based on GGS.
In the project, there are 3 strands that lead towards impact. First, the science strand. Through the contribution of WP1, WP2 and WP5, the project has made progress in analysing the mixed mode data collection, data dissemination following FAIR principles, involving the users via GGS questionnaire module proposals and organising workshops to expand the GGP and its user base. This work feeds in the expected outcomes of the project contributing to the enhanced excellence and attractiveness of the ERA as well as the broader impact of breakthrough in science and attractiveness of the ERA to scientists around the world. The main result for this period comes from WP2.

Second, the commitment and investment strand of impact is supported with work performed in WP2 and WP6. Work has been done to ensure stakeholder commitment and engagement through the organisation of the first meeting of the GGP Board of Government Representatives in November 2023 (WP6). 2 data briefs have been drafted by WP2 and are expected to be presented to stakeholders. This work is seen to help to prepare the ground for GGP’s investment readiness and signal the long term prospect of the RI. It is expected to contribute to the broader impact of coordinated RI capacity among countries and regions.

Third, the RI synergies and landscape strand, has benefited from WP5. WP5 has conducted a survey among the GGP CB members collecting information on synergies and complementarities social science RIs have at the national level. After finalising the work, this output is expected to contribute to a more consistent and well-functioning European RI ecosystem and consequently play a part in building an interconnected and sustainable RI landscape as a broader impact.

More impact is expected at later stages of the project advancement.