Eddy Rich Earth System Models (EERIE) develops and applies a new generation of Earth System Models (ESMs) that are capable of explicitly representing a crucially important, yet unexplored regime of the Earth system, the ocean mesoscale. Leveraging the latest advances in science and technology, EERIE substantially improves our ability to simulate and understand the centennial-scale evolution of the global climate, especially its variability, extremes and how tipping points may unfold under the influence of the ocean mesoscale. Model improvements include new dynamical cores, new components (particularly sea ice), scale-aware parametrization and novel uses of Machine Learning (ML).
See also the image: The ocean mesoscale in the global climate system, showing (from the bottom) how EERIE will study the ocean mesoscale processes themselves, and (going upwards) their impact on the large-scale ocean, on atmospheric mean state and variability, and finally to impacts on climate change projections.