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ERA Chair in Internet of Underwater Things at LABUST

Project description

Croatia’s university is helping us to “see” underwater

Croatia’s University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER) will receive a massive boost from the EU-funded UWIN-LABUST project. Specifically, the project will mobilise high-quality researchers and research managers to engage in order to achieve excellence within the area of Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) at the UNIZG-FER’s Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies (LABUST). To that end, UWIN-LABUST will build a team consisting of a reputable professor, two postdocs and two PhD candidates, a technology transfer officer and a group leader. Moreover, it will work towards the sustainability of the achieved excellence and towards increasing the group’s scientific involvement and visibility.


UWIN-LABUST project aims to create conditions and opportunities at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical and Engineering and Computing (UNIZG-FER) in Croatia for high quality researchers and research managers to move and engage to achieve excellence in a sustainable manner within the area of Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT), at the Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies (LABUST).

The objectives of the UWIN-LABUST project are: 1) to recruit Prof. Roee Diamant from University of Haifa as ERA Chair holder who will establish his own team consisting of 3 post-docs, a technology transfer officer, and a group leader; 2) to achieve excellence in the research area of IoUT (a network of smart interconnected underwater objects) with particular focus on 3 strategic research domains: a) underwater sensor communications, b) underwater acoustic signal processing, and c) underwater collaborative autonomy; 3) to ensure sustainability of the achieved excellence; and 4) to increase UWIN-LABUST group scientific involvement and visibility.

These objectives will be reached through a set of strategic measures: expert visits and outgoing study visits for providing knowledge transfer; research & innovation management trainings and establishment of Technology Transfer Office for transferring results from academia to industry; new MSc and PhD courses to ensure knowledge transfer to new generations; organization of workshops, summer schools and conferences for strengthening links to industry, end-users, and the scientific community.

Ministry of Science and Education of Croatia has provided a letter of commitment guaranteeing additional financial support for equipment and infrastructure to UWIN-LABUST project from European Structural and Investment Funds. Dean of UNIZG-FER also committed to ensuring additional financial research support.


Net EU contribution
€ 2 399 225,00
10000 Zagreb

See on map

Hrvatska Grad Zagreb Grad Zagreb
Activity type
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Total cost
€ 2 399 225,00

Participants (1)