Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NGI0 Core (NGI Zero Core)
Période du rapport: 2023-01-01 au 2024-06-30
The program is the fourth NGI Zero grant making programme, focusing on fostering open source and open hardware solutions to upgrade the internet architecture and address the current limitation of decentralized technologies. leverages the proven successful NGI Zero program to fund internet research and development projects with a light-weight granting procedure and orthogonal support services to address internet-scale requirements. extends this program to contribute to a more resilient network that is increasingly supportive of open en decentralized technologies and services.
The NGI0 Core program focuses on fostering free and open source/open hardware solutions, with among others the goal to address internet architecture evolution. NGI0 Core levers the meanwhile proven NGI Zero approach to fund internet research and development projects in its own way - with a light-weight granting procedure and orthogonal support services to address internet-scale requirements. NGI0 Core in particular aims to contribute to more trustworthy data management tools and decentralized identity management solutions.