CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
The report includes the consortium bodies and their roles; summary of financial guidelines; reporting procedures and templates; partner contacts; templates, guidelines and reviewers of deliverables; etc. This is the first result of task T6.1. Also, this deliverable is a requirement to achieve milestone 1.
Climate projections and hazard dataReport on climate projections and hazard scenarios (at regional and local scale), including data/metadata information and datasets access for impact models testing and validation. This is the result of task T1.2.
WP3 testing resultsReporting describing tests performed, data used and obtained results. This is the result of task T3.5. Also, this deliverable is a requirement to achieve milestone 2
Tangible impacts methodsReport describing the methods developed in T3.1
Holistic modelling framework for multi-hazards and related uncertainty analysisDeliverable on multi- hazards interaction and interrelations description and methods to consider them in the modelling chain. This is the result of task T2.1.
Dissemination and communication Plan - Initial versionDefinition of the dissemination plan, presenting the results to be disseminated, the target groups and channels to get to them. This is the initial result of task T5.1, T5.2 and T5.3
Holistic resilience methodsDeliverable on the methods for holistic resilience assessment improving and combining the tools from previous projects (mainly RESCCUE RAF tool and EU-Circle RAT tool) and expanfing them to include more climate hazards and different scales. It includes the RES-TEC2. Holistic climate resilience assessment tool. This is the result of task T3.2.
WP2 lab testing resultsReporting describing tests performed, data used and obtained results. This is the result of task T2.4. Also, this deliverable is a requirement to achieve milestone 2
Stakeholders engagement planReport on the planned organization of the case studies CoPs and the local workshops. This is the first result of T5.4.
ICARIA holistic modelling frameworkIncludes description of the elementary bricks of the framework (i.e., space/time, hazard, exposure, vulnerability, dynamic vulnerability, impact, human behaviour). This is the result of task T1.1 - Risk/impact modelling framework
Implementation plan and Risk contingency Plan – Initial versionFirst version of the reporting on the implementation plan, and potential risks during the execution of the project and related recovery actions. This first version includes the framework for monitoring the achievement of project results / objectives, which will be used also to help to mitigate the identified and the new) critical risksThis is one of the results of tasks T6.1 and T6.2. Also, this deliverable is a requirement to achieve milestone 1
Innovation Management PlanThis plan will include at an initial stage a precise and schematic description of the relevant tools / results established in previous projects (i.e. RESCCUE, CLARITY….) and how the project will make use of them and will innovate with respect to them. This is one of the results of task T6.2
WP1 lab testing resultsReport describing the tests performed, the data used, and the results obtained. This is the result of task T1.4. Also, this deliverable is a requirement to achieve milestone 2
Multi-hazard scenario building methodsReport on the mathematical model results to quantify the probabilities and uncertainties of combined and compound multi-hazards events. This is the result of task T2.2.
Implementation plan and Risk contingency Plan – Version 2Updated version of the reporting on the implementation plan, and potential risks during the execution of the project and related recovery actions. This is one of the results of tasks T6.1 and T6.2.
Impact modelling data requirements and methods to treat data gap filling and data uncertaintyA “cookbook” explaining the data requirements, algorithms and approaches to treat data gaps and data uncertainties. Also includes taxonomies, database structure and data collection templates for modelling framework, Exposure Datasets, Vulnerability functions and impact modelling algorithms. This is the result of task T1.3.
Implementation plan and Risk contingency Plan – Version 3Updated version of the reporting on the implementation plan, and potential risks during the execution of the project and related recovery actions. This is one of the results of tasks T6.1 and T6.2.
Portfolio of adaptation solutionsReport and database about the adaptation solutions (RES-TEC3. Portfolio of adaptation solutions). This is the result of task T3.3.
Trial designA detailed description of the trial design (including the mini-trials) for each of the three case studies and a summary explaining the overall expectations, similarities and differences between them. This is the result of task T4.1
It includes the toolbox RES-TEC1. Multi-Hazard modelling tools and the documentation to use it. This is the first version of the result of task T2.3 that will be used later on in WP3 and WP4
Initial version will focus on data management strategy, including naming and metadata guidelines. The final version will update the draft one and will focus on post project use of data sets. This is the first result of task T6.3
Ioannis Zarikos; Nadia Politi; Nikolaos Gounaris; Stelios Karozis; Diamando Vlachogiannis; Athanasios Sfetsos
Published in:
Water, Issue 15(17), 2023, ISSN 2073-4441
Beniamino Russo; Àlex de la Cruz Coronas; Mattia Leone; Barry Evans; Rita Salgado Brito; Denis Havlik; Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek; David Pacheco; Athanasios Sfetsos
Published in:
Sustainabilit, Issue 15 (9), 2023, ISSN 2071-1050
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