Description du projet
Soutien à l’entreprise commune réseaux et services 6G intelligents
Le projet SNS OPS, financé par l’UE, soutiendra les opérations de l’entreprise commune pour les réseaux et services intelligents (EC SNS) afin de faciliter les activités de l’initiative européenne SNS, comme indiqué dans le partenariat contractuel pour les services de réseaux intelligents (SNS). Le projet promouvra et permettra une coordination efficace entre les projets SNS afin de maximiser les résultats et l’impact de l’EC SNS en tant que programme cohérent. Le travail sera effectué en collaboration avec le bureau de l’EC SNS et les partenaires de l’EC SNS: la 6G Infrastructure Association et la Commission européenne.
Supporting the operations of the 6G Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking.
The SNS OPS project is devoted to supporting the SNS JU Operations. The planned work is to facilitate the activities of the European SNS Initiative, as outlined in the SNS contractual partnership.
This includes:
• Support for the Smart Networks Services (SNS) institutionalised European partnership and the related programmatic organisation through cross SNS projects coordination.
• Organisation of the SNS as a coherent programme with clear links to the 6G Infrastructure Association and the EC via the partnership board and the JU Office and their strategic policies.
• Maximised output and exploitation of SNS project results in key domains (e.g. standardisation, spectrum) through managed cooperation between projects on horizontal issues.
• Inter JU coordination and joint actions.
The SNS OPS project will also orchestrate and organise strategic activities to capture and promote the European view on 6G, the achievements of the 6G SNS and will start the process of monitoring the development and impact of these results on the evolution of 6G in Europe over the period of life of the 6G SNS initiative.
This work will also look to the future and consider what additional actions are necessary to maintain the European momentum and leadership in 6G and facilitate the uptake of 6G by the European vertical sectors.
During the life of the SNS OPS project, the SNS JU will be launching and expanding its first phase activities and preparing for subsequent phases.
- HORIZON.2.4 - Digital, Industry and Space Main Programme
Régime de financement
HORIZON-JU-CSA - HORIZON JU Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinateur
69123 Heidelberg