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6G Non Terrestrial Networks

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 6G-NTN (6G Non Terrestrial Networks)

Período documentado: 2023-01-01 hasta 2024-06-30

The 6G-NTN project ambition, as indicated in the Description of Actions (DoA), is to research and develop the innovative technical, regulatory, and standardization enablers needed to ensure the full-fledge integration of the NTN component into the 6G system to meet vertical industries and consumer market expectations, promoting the European Industrial leadership in the sector.
The project concept leverages on the unification within the 6G framework of the Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial components. To this aim,the following key enabling technologies were identified
• A sustainable and resilient 3D multi-layered network architecture.
• A software defined payload adapted to all orbits and spectrum.
• A very low Earth orbiting space segment.
• A flexible waveform supporting terrestrial and non-terrestrial deployments.
• The support of smart phones and small factor vehicle/drone mounted terminals (with prime focus on the antenna solutions).
• The use of new spectrum (i.e. C and Q/V bands) in coexistence with the terrestrial network component.
• A high accuracy and reliable positioning solution.
Accordingly, the project identified ten objectives whose achievement would deliver what promised in terms of vision, key enabling technologies, and impact at industrial, societal, and scientific level:
1: Identify the target service and operational requirements for 6G Non-Terrestrial Network component
2: Design/sizing of a 3D non-terrestrial network component (space and ground segments) to meet the target user requirements
3: Design trade-off and assessment of compact terminals targeted by the 3D NTN component
4: Design flexible software defined payload across flying platforms and frequency bands
5 - Design key characteristics/features of a flexible waveform for 6G’s integrated radio access network
6: Design and evaluation of AI data-enhanced multi-orbit multi-connectivity radio intelligent controller
7: Design and development of dynamic orchestration of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) in a 3D network for 6G
8: Design of a reliable and accurate positioning function for the 6G System achieving a precision below 10 cm
9: Design of features enabling spectrum usage optimization (coexistence and possibly sharing) between the different network nodes of the 3D NTN and of the terrestrial network operating in the considered frequency bands
10: Create broad and durable impact of 6G-NTN, while contributing to the growth of the European 6G ecosystem rotating around the SNS JU
The project is progressing towards the achievement of its main objectives. In particular, during the first 18 months the Project
1. Identified the target service and operational requirements for 6G Non-Terrestrial Network component
2. Provided a preliminary design and size of a 3D non-terrestrial network component (space and ground segments) to meet the identifed target user requirements le D3.3 (Task 3.3). It will be used to adapt the capacity to the requested value.
3. Initiate a design trade-off and assessment of compact terminals targeted by the 3D NTN component
4. Analysed the requirements and start the design flexible software defined payload across flying platforms and frequency bands
5. Initiated the design key characteristics/features of a flexible waveform for 6G’s integrated radio access network identified several potential candidate waveforms
6. Progressed the design and evaluation of AI data-enhanced multi-orbit multi-connectivity radio intelligent controller
7. Designed and developed a dynamic orchestration of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) in a 3D network for 6G
8. Initiated the analysis of solutions for a reliable and accurate positioning function for the 6G System achieving a precision below 10 cm and initiated their evaluation
9. Analysed coexistence and sharing techniques and regulations and defined coexistence ten scenarios under current evaluation
In line with its initial ambition, the project has contributed to defining and promoting an original NTN component concept (multi orbit satellite access) aiming at enhancing direct to device services with indoor coverage capability, but also addressing broadband connectivity to verticals among which automotive, and drones. The later are the most challenging to address given strict operational requirements in terms of terminal size, mass, and power consumption.
The project is currently contributing to promoting in 3GPP the need to evolve 5G system toward ubiquitous connectivity and increased resiliency and sustainability. In this perspective, the NTN component of 6G has a role to play for the:
• Ubiquitous connectivity through quasi seamless mobility between NTN and TN thanks to multi connectivity at access level,
• Resiliency: through the use of non-terrestrial network resources as back-up connectivity option in case of a terrestrial node failure,
• Sustainability (footprint): through a smart distribution of the traffic/signalling between the GSO and the NGSO layer to optimise the space segment energy consumption and sizing as well as terminal energy consumption.
Note that in the sustainability analysis, the project took into account guidance and feedback from the SNS-JU’s Sustainability Task Force.
The development/deployment cycles of systems are much longer in the space industry and in other vertical industries compared to the ones in mobile industry. Therefore, some partners of the project promoted in 3GPP the need to define a 6G system as an evolution of 5G system and ensuring to the maximum extent backward compatibility across the generation.
Thanks to the co-organization of successful ETSI events (conference and webinar) and key contributions to 3GPP meetings (6G use cases workshop, SA1 meetings), 6G-NTN has clearly established itself as the leading European research project on the NTN component in 6G.
Regarding national and international R&I collaboration, in the first reporting period, several synergies were identified and established with other national and international initiatives. More specifically, 6G-NTN is actively contributing to the SNS JU governance activities in the Steering Board, Technical Board, Architecture WG, and Sustainability and Communication Task Forces. In this framework, several presentations were made during the periodic remote meetings, in addition to physical meetings, which allowed to identify synergies with other NTN related projects. Moreover, the project has a key strategic role for all research institutions and university involved since it is addressing the initial sizing of a satellite constellation specifically designed and optimized for NTN and as such it will be the main reference paving the way for future NTN related activities also at national level.
6G-NTN link capacity (preliminary)
6G-NTN architetcure concept (preliminary)
6G-NTN Vision, Use cases, and Innovation Potential