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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Interoperable opeN-source Tools to Enable hybRidisation, utiliSation, and moneTisation of stORage flExibility

Descripción del proyecto

Simplificar la integración de las tecnologías de almacenamiento de energía

Existe una amplia variedad de soluciones y tecnologías para almacenar energía. La lista incluye las baterías, el almacenamiento de energía en aire comprimido y el almacenamiento de energía térmica. Cada tecnología tiene características únicas, como el coste y la eficiencia. Así pues, el reto consiste en integrar y gestionar diversas tecnologías de forma que se aprovechen al máximo sus ventajas. En este contexto, el equipo del proyecto INTERSTORE, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará una solución de «middleware» para simplificar el uso de la tecnología de almacenamiento en los sistemas energéticos modernos. Será independiente de la tecnología y permitirá integrar distintas innovaciones de almacenamiento. Con ello, en el proyecto se pretende facilitar la integración de distintas tecnologías de almacenamiento de energía y ofrecer más opciones a los clientes.


Storage is becoming one of the most critical assets for modern energy systems. At the same time storage is a very diverse universe of solutions and technologies with very different characteristics. InterSTORE plans to address this complexity by developing an innovative middleware that, while virtualising the storage technology, will simplify its use from the point of view of integration platform thanks to a technology agnostic approach.The middleware will facilitate the integration of storage creating an independence from hardware solutions which are critical from customer perspectives to avoid vendor lock-in solutions. It will also facilitate its use from a monetisation perspective making sure that more investments in storage are enabled. InterSTORE middleware will be released as a full open-source product integrating a set of already available standards and protocols in a coherent and advanced architecture.The new InterSTORE solution will be tested and validated in a laboratory environment with the goal to develop testing software to be adopted in the future for interoperability certification. The middleware solution will also be integrated both in open source and commercial platforms that will be integrated in 4 real life demos to enhance the flexibility platforms and analyze the user acceptance and economic value of the new solution. Moreover, new and legacy systems will be taken into account. InterSTORE also has a strong focus towards impact. The solution will become part of existing commercial platforms ensuring that a real adoption will be deployed beyond the end of the project. The consortium will ensure that software maintenance will continue beyond the end of the project with the support of Linux Foundation Energy and that the work done will be considered by on-going standardization activities. SSH experts will perform an impact analysis to maximize the economic impact adopting innovative approaches to data monetization in the context of data spaces.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 558 375,00
52062 Aachen

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Nordrhein-Westfalen Köln Städteregion Aachen
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 558 375,00

Participantes (11)