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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Accelerating Quantum Technology Development with Machine Learning

Description du projet

Un développement plus accessible de la technologie quantique

La technologie quantique peut procurer une pléthore d’avantages très intéressants à une multitude de secteurs différents. Malheureusement, ses capacités et son utilisation comportent encore des défis et font appel à des spécialistes pour fonctionner efficacement, outre le fait d’exploiter de nombreuses technologies et techniques, notamment une théorie de l’optimisation et une théorie de la commande optimale. Il devient dès lors extrêmement souhaitable de parvenir à utiliser cette technologie de manière efficace. Le projet QruiseOS, financé par l’UE, vise à commercialiser l’expérience spécialisée de ses fondateurs concernant l’utilisation des technologies quantiques. Pour ce faire, l'équipe développera et validera QruiseOS: un démonstrateur de technologie quantique qui permettra à ses utilisateurs de garder une longueur d’avance sur les grands acteurs du secteur.


The field of quantum technologies encompasses a wide range of very different devices whichThe field of quantum technologies encompasses a wide range of very different devices which must operate at the very edge of what is feasible, results are noisy, and only become clear if repeated many times and careful statistics are gathered. We are applying optimal control theory, optimization theory and machine learning to the challenge of controlling, characterizing and calibrating quantum technology devices in general, and quantum computers specifically.

Qruise (as in cruise control) is GmbH is a young software startup from Forschungszentrum Jülich and Padova University, and the OpenSuperQ EU quantum flagship project, created for the purpose of commercializing the founders’ collective experience in control of quantum systems. Prof. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, one of our co-founders, was the coordinator of the OpenSuperQ project (project no. 820363, started on 01.10.2018 and finished on 31.04.2022).

Our project will increase the maturity of the Qruise technology via TRL 5-6 level activities of research, technology development and validation with pilot partners. In the end, we will deliver a viable demonstrator with fully vertically integrated components: QruiseOS. With QruiseOS, quantum technology development can be significantly accelerated, allowing even small academic labs and startups to compete with the large players in the field.

This project covers all necessary steps for full commercial readiness, including problem/solution validation, market research, competition analysis, establishing IP strategy, ensuring regulatory compliance, stakeholder engagements, dissemination activities, construction of a detailed business plan and securing future funding. After the completion of this project, we will apply to EIC accelerator program while simultaneously seeking private investments to further mature the technology (towards TRL 7-8) and get ready for commercial scale up (TRL9).


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 499 000,00
66113 Saarbrucken

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Saarland Saarland Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 2 499 000,00