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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE


Description du projet

Évaluation des performances des dispositifs de mesure des mélanges H2NG

La transition vers des énergies plus vertes et la mise en œuvre de l’hydrogène (H2) nécessitent des infrastructures prêtes à accueillir l’H2. Les réseaux de gaz naturel de l’UE et les mélanges H2NG constituent une solution pour la transition énergétique, mais peu de recherches ont été menées jusqu’à présent. Le projet THOTH2, financé par l’UE, vise à étudier les technologies de mesure et à élaborer des protocoles de test spécifiques afin de permettre une reconversion sûre et efficace des infrastructures de gaz naturel pour pouvoir accueillir l’hydrogène. Il concevra des méthodologies spécifiques et mènera des activités expérimentales en vue d’évaluer la performance des dispositifs de mesure installés à différents pourcentages de H2 mélangés à du gaz naturel, jusqu’à 100 % (H2 pur). Ce faisant, THOTH2 jettera les bases d’une solide infrastructure de l’hydrogène et contribuera à concrétiser l’objectif de neutralité carbone de l’UE à l’horizon 2050.


How maximize hydrogen (H2) blending potential in natural gas (NG) networks, supporting European energy system decarbonisation? The answer lies in the need of a systemic, multi-disciplinary approach to make NG infrastructure resilient to the challenges of tomorrow. Industrial and research players’ competences are required. In this framework, THOTH2 consortium focuses on energy measurement value chain and instruments’ ability to accurately measure physical parameters of H2NG mixtures with increasing H2 percentages, up to 100%. Including gas TSOs, DSOs, metrological and research institutes and academia, THOTH2 consortium has all competences and skills to reach the goals of i) define standards to evaluate the metrological performances of measuring devices at different H2 blending rates (up to 100%), ii) verify safety and durability of the same devices, and iii) suggest future needs to overcome the observed barriers and limitations. SNAM competences in managing NG assets are essential for the coordination and synergic integration of the 14 partners, recognized as experts in NG and H2 industry (GRTGAZ, GAZ-SYSTEM, Enagás, INRETE), metrology (CESAME, INRIM, METAS), H2 blending technologies and measuring devices design, engineering, and R&D activities (UNIBO, INIG, FBK, ENEA, CSIRO). The communication and dissemination strategy by GERG will give visibility to project’s results, including contributions to Mission Innovation 2.0 and EURAMET projects. THOTH2 vision will lead to an acceleration towards H2 economy, contributing to REPowerEU and NextGeneration EU objectives. The project impact potential includes the establishment of a R&D Hub center, including THOTH2 partners and Advisory Board members, to translate into valuable results achieved by the project, aiming to i) the development/update of international standards, ii) foster innovation in the field of H2NG blending measuring devices, and iii) supporting H2 value chain development leveraging on the EU gas infrastructure


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 208 200,00
20097 San Donato Milanese

Voir sur la carte

Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 208 200,00

Participants (11)

Partenaires (2)