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ERA TALENT Platform for career development of researchers in Europe

Description du projet

Une plateforme innovante pour stimuler les carrières dans la recherche

Le réseau EURAXESS sert de plateforme de connexion pour les chercheurs, les entrepreneurs, les universités et les entreprises. Il contient des informations précieuses sur la mobilité, le soutien au développement des talents et les possibilités de financement. Le projet ERA TALENT, financé par l’UE, vise à faciliter la mise en œuvre de la nouvelle communication de l’EER tout en améliorant les services fournis par le réseau EURAXESS existant. Son objectif principal est de favoriser la promotion professionnelle des chercheurs en Europe, en ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives dans le monde universitaire, l’industrie et le secteur commercial. Pour ce faire, le projet mettra en place cinq pôles thématiques, chacun fournissant des services de soutien sur mesure basés sur l’expertise de différents centres. En outre, il mettra en place six communautés de pratique afin de faciliter l’échange d’informations et d’améliorer les services de gestion des talents.


The ERA TALENT is a 36 months coordination and support action with the aims to support the implementation of the new ERA Communication and to further develop the services provided by the existing EURAXESS network, with the objective to support the career development of researchers in Europe, expanding the career trajectories for them in academia, industry and business.
The ERA TALENT scope will be reached through the establishment of five thematic Hubs that are built as one-stop-shops where researchers find information and support services fed by the competences of the Centres in different fields and through six Community of Practices (CoP), where the Centres are grouped under specific themes to exchange experiences and information, needed to strengthen their knowledge and expanding their talent management services for researchers.
The ERA TALENT project will support the EURAXESS Centres to deliver specialised talent management services to improve the employability and mobility schemes for talented researchers. Last but not least a more fostered culture of entrepreneurship opening new career trajectories for researchers in industry and business will be seek. The ERA TALENT project involves 34 BHOs Partners and it will be structured in 6 Work Packages: WP1 Project Management; WP2 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation; WP3 Hubs Framework Co-creation and monitoring; WP4 Knowledge sharing for specialisation in the EURAXESS Network; WP5 Researchers orientation; WP6 Digitalisation and data.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 918 781,25
00184 Roma

Voir sur la carte

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 918 781,25

Participants (32)

Partenaires (1)