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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

EIC Communities: Building Synergies and Communities around EIC Portfolios to raise the impact of the EIC deep tech research

Description du projet

Favoriser l’innovation par la collaboration

Les projets innovants sont souvent confrontés au défi d’une visibilité et d’un impact limités, ce qui entrave leur potentiel à générer des percées technologiques. Il est toutefois possible d’accroître à la fois la visibilité et l’impact en stimulant les synergies et les percées en matière d’innovation. Dans cette optique, le projet EIC Communities financé par le Conseil européen de l’innovation (CEI) créera trois communautés de pratique thématiques dans les secteurs de l’écologie, du numérique, de l’industrie et de l’espace, et de la santé. Il entend ainsi co-créer diverses activités en ligne et physiques, du matériel et des outils qui encouragent les interactions pluridisciplinaires entre les portefeuilles du CEI. Ces activités, notamment des sessions de jumelage, des ateliers et des académies interactives, favoriseront la collaboration entre les projets et la création de réseaux durables autour des portefeuilles. L’objectif ultime est de faire progresser les technologies et les innovations futures, dans l’optique d’un avenir plus connecté et plus innovant.


The project’s main objective is to increase the visibility and impact of EIC portfolios of projects through the co-creation of diverse online and physical activities, materials and tools that will be implemented in three thematic Communities of Practice - CoP (green, digital/industry/space and health). Those formats will prompt the creation of multidisciplinary communities around selected portfolios, and will stimulate interactions and synergies among projects inside and across thematic and EIC challenge-driven portfolios, while providing the EIC Programme Managers ( EIC PMs) with sustainable measures and community model structures to build networks around portfolios and develop new visions for future technologies and innovation breakthroughs. EIC Communities will work closely with the EIC representatives and EIC PMs through, inter alia, co-creation of new engagement practices and co-developing policy recommendations for R&I in future deep-tech. Community and synergy building activities will be co-developed with CoP stakeholders and implemented inside and across the three CoPs to ensure cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary interactions between EIC open and challenge-driven portfolios and projects. Those activities will include: (i) pitching sessions, (ii) matchmaking between projects, (iii) organisation of Portfolio Days and online interactive academies, (iv) thematic workshops and (v) re-launch of the Future Tech Week. As a result, a wider community, which goes beyond the selected portfolios, will be established in each CoP. The outcomes of the activities carried out in CoPs will be translated in a set of high-impact communication materials that will aim at showcasing the added value of the portfolio ecosystem and benefits stemming from portfolio interactions. Sustainability and replication plans will be produced with a view to ensure effective pathways for exploitation of project results and to stimulate synergies with other portfolios, not covered by the project.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 241 125,00
00184 Roma

Voir sur la carte

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 241 125,00

Participants (3)