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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Objects, Spaces and Material Culture. Gender and Politics in Early Modern European Republics (Venice, Genova, XV-XVIII centuries)

Description du projet

Étudier l’influence des femmes dans les républiques européennes

À notre époque, où l’équilibre entre les hommes et les femmes dans la prise de décision reste un objectif lointain, le déséquilibre persistant en matière de représentation des genres dans les rôles décisionnels fait écho à un problème historique non résolu. L’héritage de l’exclusion des femmes du pouvoir direct continue de porter des fruits, et reste souvent négligé et sous-étudié. Soutenu par le programme Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie, le projet OSpaMa vise à remettre en question cet état de fait. Il s’appuiera pour cela sur des méthodologies innovantes allant de l’analyse sensorielle à l’exploration de la culture matérielle pour examiner l’histoire cachée de femmes influentes dans les républiques vénitienne et génoise. Grâce à l’étude des récits écrits et des sources iconographiques, OSpaMa entend modifier les perceptions en démêlant les fils entrelacés de l’action et de la contribution des femmes dans la tapisserie complexe de la politique de la république.


To this day, and even in Europe, gender balance in decision-making remains a goal to be achieved. This condition has historical roots, and the power of informal leadership still remains to be investigated further.
The predominantly male European republics of the modern age were careful to mark gender boundaries, excluding women from the direct exercising of power. In republican contexts, unlike queens, princesses, and duchesses, the consorts of the men in power did not have the privilege of providing the heir to the throne, so traditional historiography has generally considered their role to be very marginal, if not entirely irrelevant. The aim of the project is to challenge this established idea, using new sources and an innovative interdisciplinary methodological approach. Considering, from a comparative perspective, two Italian republics that maintained their independence until the end of the 18th century (Venice, Genoa), the investigation will examine the prominence of the Doges' wives and female relatives, the creation and use of gendered spaces, the purchase and placement of furnishings in public and private apartments, and the display strategies pursued. Particular attention will be given to clothing, jewellery and objects in contact with the body. Alongside written sources, iconographic sources and objects preserved in museums will be analysed, taking into account the sensory dimension and the three-dimensionality of things. The aim is to go beyond the limits of written sources and traditional historiography, focusing on material culture, in order to re-evaluate the identity and role of women in republican political contexts, to define their sphere of influence and agency, to grasp their attempts to negotiate power and their strategies to promote private and public interests, and to bring to light their contribution to the - still open - path towards gender equality.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 288 859,20
37129 Verona

Voir sur la carte

Nord-Est Veneto Verona
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Partenaires (2)