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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Understanding divisions and fostering dialogue among Berlin’s Turkish speaking communities

Description du projet

Enquête sur les fractures au sein de la population turcophone de Berlin

Les communautés turcophones d’Allemagne sont complexes et diverses, elles englobent différentes ethnies, religions, classes socio-économiques et affiliations politiques. Bien qu’elles vivent côte à côte, ces communautés ont souvent peu d’interactions et nourrissent des sentiments négatifs les unes envers les autres. Les recherches antérieures sur les diasporas turcophones en Europe, y compris les Kurdes, se sont concentrées sur leurs liens avec la Turquie ou leur intégration dans les communautés d’accueil, plutôt que d’examiner leurs interactions au sein du groupe. Le projet ARAMIZDA, financé par l’UE, explorera les divisions au sein de la population turcophone de Berlin, en cherchant à comprendre comment les groupes de la société civile peuvent atténuer ou exacerber ces divisions. Le projet utilisera des méthodologies de sciences sociales telles que le travail ethnographique sur le terrain, les journaux personnels et les entretiens afin de collecter des données complètes et d’impliquer activement les participants à la recherche dans la prise de décision concernant la collecte des données.


After 60 years of migration in countless waves, Germany’s Turkish-speaking communities are complex and diverse. Routinely lumped together by policymakers, media and the public as “Turks”, they in fact encompass a multitude of ethnicities, religions, classes and political groupings. Though they live side-by-side, they often have little contact and frequently harbour disparaging, even hostile feelings towards each other. ARAMIZDA (meaning “between/among us” in Turkish), draws on methods and theories from a range of disciplines to produce novel, high-quality research on divisions within Berlin’s Turkish-speaking communities. It explores the role civil society organisations play in easing and exacerbating those divides. Previous work on Europe’s large Turkish-speaking diasporas (including Kurds) has been mostly concerned with these groups’ links to Turkey or their integration with host populations. No detailed study has focused explicitly on how they interact with each other. At a time when European policymakers are grappling with the paradox of growing spaces for minority communities but shrinking opportunities for social dialogue, the project will use a mix of social science methods (including ethnographic fieldwork, diaries and interviews) to collect rich data to understand divisions within Turkish-speaking communities. It will foster collaboration with research participants by inviting them to play a role in determining data collection methods and taking an active role in a key non-academic offshoot of the project. This final aspect will take the form of workshop, run in partnership with an anti-polarisation charity, aimed at piloting ways of encouraging diverse groups to engage in dialogue. The findings — which will be widely dispersed through academic and non-academic channels — will be used to advance theories on diversity and inclusion, increase understanding among policymakers and the public, and test practical ways to build more united and resilient societies.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 237 109,20

Voir sur la carte

Bayern Oberbayern München, Kreisfreie Stadt
Type d’activité
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Partenaires (1)